Chapter eight

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"I feel like smoking weed is the only way I can show an emotion other then being an asshole or moody." Ashtray laid out on his bed, staring up at the ceiling

"What do you mean?" Savanah asked as she blew smoke out of her mouth. She laid her head back against his bed frame as she sat up. From time to time pushing the smoke out the window.

"Like if I'm not high.... I'm just-tense "

Savannah slightly chuckled "nah, I don't believe a word"

Ashtray looked over at her and propped himself up on his elbows "it's true"

"Nah, I've seen you smile without weed"

"Yea Becuase I was with you"

Savannah and ashtray looked at each other which a soft glare "don't go soft on me asstray, we only just met last few weeks and your already ruining your reputation"

A smile started forming on Ashtrays face with confusion "reputation?"

"Yeah," savanah started, holding out the joint to ashtray, who slightly parted his lips, letting Savanah put the drug between his lips for him to inhale "like your bad boy, dick-head, man-whore, 'I'm to cool for the world' reputation"

Ashtray chuckled as Savannah did air quotes "man whore?"

"Yeah you've only been with half the East highland girls"

"That's so not true"

Savannah sighed and looked at him "then how many girls have you been with, mr. Man-whore?" Savanah smushed the joint into the ashtray and intertwined her hands sarcasticly in her lap.

Ashtray raised one eyebrow as he looked lost in thought. After at least 30 seconds of thinking, Savannah started laughing "see! Proves my point, your like the town fuckboy"

"Okay how many guys have you been with Mrs. Wise ass" ashtray asked pointing at her

"Technically only 1" Savanah shrugged


"Yeah, like the first time, it was awkward it lasted only like 60 seconds. I personally wouldn't count it. And plus, I never had time to sleep around"

"You seem like the the type  of person to sleep around" ashtray nodded his head as he zoned off looking at her

"What? How?"

Ashtray grabbed the joint from the ashtray and lit it again "I don't know, your hot, kinda a bitch, independent, ya know"

Savanah smirked at him "well I guess you don't really know me"

"Yeah, there's like a door in front of you with hundreds, give or take, locks on it"

"I'm not that mysterious.." Savannah furrowed her eyebrows

"Yeah right, what's your favorite color?" He asked


"What's your favorite animal?"

"What are we? In first grade?"

"Where are you from?"


"What's your last name?"

"What's your, last name?"



the two glared at each other before before Savannah got up and started crawling to the end of the bed "man-whore"

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