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loading [an unexpected surprise]...

TWs: Screaming, mentions of banging (on a door), and loud noises

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"Ha! What are you talking about!?" A loud boom filled your household. "I want to join the Emperor's Coven! Ugh, why can't you understand Mom?" You argued back.

Is there something wrong with me wanting to join a coven? I mean really, it has Emperor in its name. If we can't trust the mighty Emperor Belos, then who can we trust? You thought as wet, warm tears ran down your cheeks. You occasionally used your tongue to wipe the ones resting on your lips. The salty taste lingered as you continued to go back and forth with your mother.

"My goodness dear, don't make this harder than it already is. You're talking nonsense! You know I love you, right? Mommy only wants the best for you. We both know you're not strong enough to handle that coven. So, why not join the Healing Coven like me and your sister?" Her voice dripping in rotten honey.

You were pent up with it. You wanted to join the Emperor's Coven, and you will join that coven.

An idea flashed through your mind. You stood up and yanked your mother's palisman out of her hand. Then, you booked it out the door.

All you could hear was your mother's scream of terror. It didn't matter, though.  All you could do was run. You quickly shoved the owl-like palisman into your cloak. You could hear your tired panting as you rushed to The Emperor's castle. Before the guards could object, you ran through the gate doors and into the magnificent palace.

Lingering throughout the vast hallways, you run into a tall woman. She had porcelain skin with a detailed face. Her sleek, dark blue hair reaching down to her back. "What on earth are you doing in here?! The only kid I've seen in here is-", she cleared her throat, "What are you doing in here?"

You stared up at her with a look of slight embarrassment. You were a bit scared to answer, but you managed to muster up a response.

"I would like to talk to Emperor Belos!" Your voice was filled with big, bright confidence, maybe a bit more confident than you anticipated.

In deep thought, the woman stared down at you. Scanning you, she eyed you up and down. She was trying to read if you were being serious or not. For all she knew, you could be a weird, little thirteen-year-old that had an unhealthy obsession with the Emperor. Fortunately for you, she was exhausted from a mission she just got back from.

"Ugh, take a few rights than a singular left. You would be able to tell what door it is from there." She grumbled, yet she felt a tiny sense of sympathy for you. You lit up, and it clearly showed.

"Thank you for telling me Miss..uh" Trailing off as you didn't really know the sleek woman's name yet.

"Miss Clawthorne, but please, call me Miss Lilith. And you are?" You could've sworn you saw a tiny smile come from Miss Lilith's lips, but you quickly brushed it off.

"My name is (Y/N). (Y/N) Orchis."

"Well Mx Orchis, good luck with whatever you're planning on doing." You said your thanks again and walked over to the huge doors. You take a deep breath and let yourself in.

"Oh? What's this? Why what brings a lovely person like you to my throne room?" Emperor Belos hummed softly. He said it as if he expected you to come.

"Emperor Belos...sir. My name is (Y/N), (Y/N) Orchis. I've always wanted to join the Emperor's Coven. I've worked hard with my magical abilities to meet your expectations. Here, I'll show you some stuff I can do!"

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