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୨⎯ "three years later" ⎯୧

"Psssssssst." You hear a little hiss of a familiar sound. Being the nice person you are, you continue to keep your eyes shut. It was maybe about six or seven in the morning. It's not like you cared anyways.  "Psssssssssssssssssssssssssst." There goes that little hiss again. You resist the urge to smirk at your best friend's antics.

"WAKE UP!" Hunter shouted as he literally ripped off your blanket. You sprung up and stared at him.

"What the hell Hunter! I was sleeping."

"I think we both know you weren't."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Mhhhhhhmmmmm, sure. Keep telling yourself that."

You chuckled softly as you get up from your bed and stretched. You turn to Hunter and realize he's already dressed. "Do we have another mission today? I thought we had the day off." You asked. Hunter usually gets up early to get dressed and ready. He's been doing it since he was a scout. "Apparently, we do. Belos said he'd give us a run down after you get dressed. Now, hurry up!" Hunter shoved you towards your closet and opened it. You picked up your uniform and set it on your bed. You were about to change, but you noticed Hunter was just sitting on your desk.

"Do you mind? I'm kinda trying to change."

"Yes, yes I do mind. Y'know-"

"Get out before I throw my mask at your face."

"Okay, okay! I was only joking!"

You hummed in amusement and got into your uniform. You picked up your mask and smiled at it softly. You and Hunter were declared second in command at the same time. You were given the names: The Golden Guard and The Silver Knight. Well technically, you were Hunter's second in command per request. Wait, does that make me third in command or second in command? You shook away your thoughts and opened the door. You opened up to a standing Hunter who was patiently waiting for you to get ready. The two of you sauntered your way over to Belos's throne room.

Hunter opened the door for you and you smiled in thanks. You both walked in and bowed down to your superior. "Ah, you guys are finally here. I take that you want to hear about your mission, yes?" You both nod in agreement. "Well, today, you two will be going undercover at Hexide. You'll be normal students taking the potion track. I heard that a human will be attending there. You two are going to spy on her to make sure nothing happens. That's it." Belos stated as he emphasized the it part. "Thank you Uncle, we won't let you down!"

You and Hunter went to your rooms and got changed into your uniforms, again. It felt odd on you. It was lighter and flowier, unlike your knight uniform. Is this what school kids wear? Your mother never really liked the school system, so she kept you at home. You relied on books, self-intuition, and the tiny bit of sanity you had as you learned your magic. You shrugged off your thoughts and walked out to see Hunter in a similar outfit.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Very much so, Goldie."

"I told you to stop calling me that!" He exclaimed, blushing slightly.

"Oh come on, you know you love it."

"Okay Silvie, how does that make you feel?"

"Silvie sounds so dumb. Goldie sounds way better!"

You guys stopped your bickering and walked outside the castle. You mounted your staffs and flew your way to Hexside. "Hey Hunter, do you think we'd be able to actually attend Hexside?" Your question made Hunter tense, but he answered anyway. "Probably not, we'd be too busy working for Belos anyways." You hummed in agreement and looked forward in slight sadness. Hunter picked up on it. You guys land on the school grounds and scanned your surroundings. Hunter quickly got off his staff to help you off. "Wow, such a gentleman. Very, very noble of you, Goldie." Hunter blushed at your comment, but then let go of your hand, sending you to nearly fall face first.

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