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loading [a bittersweet night]...

TWs: Mentions of nearly dying, scars, slaps, lots of childhood trauma, and burnout
If you would like to avoid these, start after the second border.

୨⎯ "your pov" ⎯୧

You stared down at the book on your desk. Technically, it was the day of Grom. You weren't sure what you were doing. You weren't even sure if you were reading at this point. All you were doing was just staring down at the assortment of words. You glanced at the ticking clock that hung over your door frame.

2:09 AM

Groaning in frustration, you shut the book. You let your head hang off the edge of the backrest as your limbs go limp. You stared up at the ceiling as a melancholic wave washed over your body. You were always tired, but you sure are bad at sleeping. You turned your head to face the mirror. Your reflection stared back at you like it was screaming something.

The Perfect Teenage Prodigy

You should be proud of that name. You should be able to hang it up with pride and joy. The title just never sat right with you. The nickname just reminded you of all the work that was put into it. The countless missions, bounties, and just everything were so tiring. Hell, you were plopped down on the top of a mountain one time. You could've died that one time. You could've died anytime. Everything was tiring. You were tired.

You looked away from the mirror and sat up. You stared down at the book that laid untouched on your desk. Bones to Earth was written on the front with big, italicized letters. It made you think about the times you would read this book with Hunter. You smiled at the thought of him.

As tiring as the coven was, you wouldn't have met him if you didn't join. You also wouldn't have met Raine, Darius, Lilith, Eberwolf, hell even Belos. Sure, Belos has given you a "few" slaps and scars, but you don't blame him. Those were your fault. You've experienced them way before you joined the coven anyway. It was normal. Instead, Belos actually cares about you. He was calm yet bold with his words. His praise was sprinkled and seasoned with sugar and honey. You were certain that all of his doings were for your own good.

You got up from your chair and sat down on your bed. You smiled at the photo of you and Hunter that sat on your bedside table. Laying on your back, you stared at the ceiling. You felt the things around you darken as you fall into a deep slumber.

≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪

"We caught the criminal at the pub in Latissa. They were too ditzy to realize what was happening, so they're being sent to the Conformatorium now." The scout said, quickly briefing you about the newly caught bounty. "Very well, dismissed." You watched as the group walked away into the depths of the hallway.

You hurriedly rushed to your bedroom and opened your closet. You stared at the fabulous set of clothing. It was like a sight for sore eyes. You quickly changed into it and checked yourself out in the mirror. I look like a hot, badass spy right now not gonna lie. You winked at yourself before you searched your closet for your shoes. Quickly, you put them on and headed outside to the front of the castle gates.

To your surprise, you were there first. You sat on your floating staff as you waited for Hunter. The sun was setting, leaving an array of colors sitting in the sky. You admired them as they mixed like fine colors of paint. Suddenly, you heard footsteps slowly approaching and turned to check who it was.

Your face lit up beat red as you saw Hunter in his Grom attire. Holy shit, this man looks fine as hell. Hunter's face copied yours, and one could say it was a deeper shade of red. "Wow, you look amazing." You both said in unison. You shared an awkward laugh and set off on your mission.

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