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You were currently reading a book on your bed as you sipped a bit of your hibiscus tea. Surprisingly, you were already ready for your mission. You woke up around five in the morning to the sound of something. You couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. Staring down at the book, you heard the sound again. And again. And again. Now, you've grown worried. It seems that the noise is coming from Hunter's room.

You rushed into his room to find Hunter's face buried in a pillow as he laid his stomach on the bed. You watched as he grumbled into it and flipped himself on his back. His nose was red and titan he looked absolutely awful. His eyes drifted towards your worried expression.

"(Y/N)! I didn't," sneeze, "see you there." His voice was scratchy and groggy.

He went to sit up before you pushed him back into bed. "God, you look and sound awful. You're clearly sick, Hunter. You need rest." You stated sternly. "I'm fine (Y/N). I just," sneeze, "got a," sneeze, "little cold." He struggled to make a sentence without sneezing his guts out. Sighing, you placed a hand on his head.

"You need rest. I'll go tell Belos and call in the healing coven for you. I can take care of the mission today and I'll bring you some tea once I come back, okay? Stay put."


"No buts, Hunter. You're going to get rest and that's an order. Mkay?"

He pouted at you in frustration. "Hey, you deserve the rest too. You've worked really hard these past weeks and you need a break. I'll take care of things, alright? You can watch Amphibia on your crystal ball instead of pulling all-nighters for it." You reassured him and shot him a soft smile. You headed towards the door and turned to face him. "I'll be back okay? I promise." Shooting him a gentle smile, you watched as he waved a soft, loving goodbye.

You headed over to the throne room and carefully cranked open the door. Belos's figure turned at the sudden noise, and went stern as he saw you approach. In respect, you bowed your head waiting for your brief. "Silver Knight, where is the Golden Guard?" Belos asked, taking note of Hunter's absence.

"I'm afraid he has fallen ill. I request you call the healing coven to get him checked out. For today, I'll be the one taking care of the mission."

Belos hummed in response, seeming to be contemplating something. "Very well then. I'll be placing his duties onto you, (Y/N). All you need to do is spy on that human again. I hope you can keep up to my standards, and I'm putting my faith in you. You are the Golden Guard's sidekick after all." The word sidekick stung your heart. As much as you loved working alongside Hunter, you absolutely hated being called a sidekick. Everyone knew who he was, but they always forgot about you. Though, you were glad that Hunter gets the recognition he deserves. He deserves all the praise and attention in your opinion. You thank the Emperor and departed on your mission.

Using your staff, you made a quick uniform change from your knight one to your Hexside one. You faced the southern building, contemplating your next move. First, I need to locate the human. Luz, was it? Then-  Your thoughts were quickly interrupted by a certain green-haired girl.

"Hey! Watch where you're standing- (Y/N)?"

"Hello, Amity Blight." You straightened your back and looked down at her.

"I-It's been so long! I thought you were-"

"Homeschooled? Yeah, you could still say that."

"Then what are you doing here?"

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