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TW: Mentions of blood, cuts, and acts of abuse

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You jump at the sudden mention of your name and abruptly turn around. Your heart sank into your stomach as you saw who it was.

"Oh, H-Hey Hunterr-" You stuttered out, chuckling nervously at your boyfriend.

"Were you...helping the human? He removed his mask to completely look at you.

Eyes gaping at him, you took note of the look that settled in his eyes. They were filled with confusion and betrayal.

"No- well, technically- but for the most part, no!"

"Technically?! What do you mean 'technically'. You were technically what, betraying The Emperor?" He raised his hands in the air, reflecting his current emotions. His sudden outburst made you flinch.

"I'm just helping Lilith out! I know, it's selfish. I just owe her a lot of things, alright?" Your eyes diverted into another direction to avoid his gaze. You weren't half-lying.

He scoffed, rolling his eyes at you. "You're unbelievable." He said, running a hand through his hair.

"Oh, really? Why is that?"

"You care about Lilith, so what?" He said, rolling his eyes.

"So what? What do you mean 'so what'. She has done nothing but help me throughout my years, so I'm simply returning the favor. So what are you going to do now, report us to The Emperor?" You tried to remain composed throughout this whole argument, but inside, you were literally screaming and crying.

"Yeah, maybe I will!" His statement made your heart sting. He really would just turn her in so easily.

"Okay, fine! Turn me in! But I am not going to let you hurt Lilith. Maybe it is stupid that I helped Lilith! Maybe I committed treason! But, sometimes, when you're desperate to help in any way you can, you don't tend to think very rationally!"

You could honestly care less at the fact of you getting punished, but the idea of Lilith getting punished made your heart sink. You balled your hand into a fist out of anger. Your fingertips buried deep into your palm, nearly drawing blood. The fact that your boyfriend being the reason Lilith was punished made your insides churn.

"You know that's not what I meant, (Y/N)! It's just-"

"It's just what, Hunter? That you don't trust me?"

"What do you mean?! You barely share anything with me anymore! You don't tell me what you're thinking, what you're feeling...you're the one who doesn't trust me!" You turned to face him, coming closer to his face. You stared deeply into his soul.

"Of course, I trust you! There is absolutely no doubt in my mind about that. I just don't want to be seen as some..burden! I just-" You took an unsteady breath in before continuing your monologue.

"I just don't want you to see me differently. I'll just be more of an insignificant sidekick to everyone...and to you." Your eyes drifted to another direction once again, avoiding Hunter's gaze. Swallowing your breath, you felt as salty tears filled your eyes.

Hunter's eyes widened in shock. He tried grabbing your hand, but you swatted it away. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped himself.

"You have somewhere to be right now. You should go." You said sternly, looking away. You closed your eyes tightly and sucked in your breath. Your body was begging him to stay. You wished he would come up to you and wrap his arms around you in comfort.

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