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Hey....it's been like, a few months now. First, I would like to say thank you for all the support and love people have been giving to this book.

Unfortunately, I am here to announce that this book is being discontinued. One, because I literally hate this book, I hate the characterization, I hate everything about it. I don't like how I made everything go to fast and I made the book kinda messy in my opinion.

I'm sorry to those who actually enjoyed this book, but this'll be the end of it. 

HOWEVER, I MIGHT, keyword, MIGHT make a new Hunter x Reader book. It'll be kinda (and maybe really different) compared to this book, but y'know. It may happen it may not! School has been a lot lately and my mental health isn't that great...but who knows maybe I'll like that book better and try updating it more. Anyways, this is the end of this book.

-cj <3

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