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You shoved your bedroom door open and started rummaging through your bookshelf. You picked out a book you've been studying for a while. Secrets of Healing Magic by The Ancient One. You were studying different types of magic ever since Hunter got sick. Your main focuses became oracle and healing magic. Bard and plant magic will always be dear to your heart, but it didn't give you the same feeling anymore.

Quickly scanning the book, you desperately tried to find the page you were looking for.

"No, no, no, being impaled? Titan, no! Why does this book not have a table of contents?!" You exclaimed, furrowing your eyebrows out of frustration. After a couple of seconds of scanning through the book, you finally found the page you were looking for. Reading the page carefully yet urgently, you examined the spell that was delicately written across the wrinkled paper.

You placed your hand over the wound and closed your eyes, focusing on the spell's words. Using your dominant hand, you waved your pointer finger in a circle. You felt the rushing blood stop as you carefully removed your hand from your wound.

Now, all that remained was a long scar that ran down your cheek. You used your finger to trace over the wound, feeling the now scarred skin. You leaned forward towards the mirror to get a better look. It was a darker color compared to your usual skin tone. You sighed hard at the sight of it, dropping your arm down to your side.

I should probably get some rest, coven scout training is tomorrow.

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Busting through the training ground's door, you made everyone turn their attention to you. This would include Hunter taking note of your presence. He tensed at the sight of you.


"Scouts! Attention!" You completely ignored Hunter and kept your full attention on the newbies.

"You all are the last fifty standing. You have fought hard to get to where you are standing. However, today will not be the last day of your training..." You started, walking away from Hunter's side and towards the troops.

"Today, me and The Golden Guard will be testing your knowledge from the Emperor's Coven Dialect: Volume 2." The words smoothly fell from your mouth as you walked back and forth in front of the scouts. You stopped and turned to look at Hunter who was just standing in his previous spot, stunned. You stared at him as if to say 'Well, aren't you going to say something?'

"Right- uh, yes, for example-" Hunter starts, running over to a scout.

"I think they know what questioning means-"

"Jerry Dave, what is 9 + 10?" You looked at Hunter as if he was stupid. Who the hell doesn't know what 9 + 10 is—

"Twenty-one, sir!" Jerry Dave responded, fully confident in his answer. You and Hunter stared at him absolutely flabbergasted.

"Are... are you sure?" You asked the scout, eyes wide in confusion.

"Fully confident!" He answered, puffing his chest out. How the hell did he make it this far? How did he pass Coven try-outs? How did he pass FIRST GRADE?

"Just..I... just get out." You said, removing your hood and running a hand through your hair.

This is going to take longer than anticipated.

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