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loading [tinge of sympathy]...

≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪

Beams of light slowly creep their way into the room. You softly open your eyes and blink them awake. Taking in your surroundings, memories of last night slowly flood into your mind. You decided to stay behind in Hunter's room. His hand was encased in yours as you sat next to his bed. You took in his relaxed features. This is the most sleep he has gotten in weeks. You thought, softly taking his scarred cheek into your hand. His eyes fluttered open in a panic until they settled on yours. He quickly leaned into your hand and sighed, putting his hand on top of yours.

"Still don't understand that it's weird to stare at people when they sleep, huh?" He said teasingly, opening his eyes to look at you.

"Good morning to you too. How you feelin'?"

"Better, but I don't remember anything that happened last night."

"I think that's for the best..."



୨⎯ "flashback" ⎯୧

"HUNTER, GET DOWN HERE!" Somehow, Hunter has gotten a hold of his staff and flew away. Now, he's sitting in a tree, acting like a cat. You've been here for thirty minutes and he STILL hasn't come down from the damn tree.


"Look, I've always been a cat person, but JEEZ sometimes they can be a pain." You mumble to yourself, still staring up at Hunter. "THE HEALERS SAID YOU'D BE ACTING LIKE A CHILD NOT A FUCKING CAT!" You screamed up at him, groaning in annoyance. All he did was squint his eyes at you, backing into the tree.

We're going to be here for a while.

୨⎯ "flashback end" ⎯୧

"Hello? Earth to (Y/N)? You're not sick because of me, are you?" Hunter's concerned statements quickly snap you back into reality. Your eyes met his as you chuckled nervously, placing your hand in his. "Oh- I'm fine, don't worry. I was just thinking about the events that happened last night." You smiled nervously as his expression grew more concerned. "...Was I that bad?" You cringed at his question and sucked in air through your mouth, making a slight hiss sound. "Welllll..." Before you finished, the door suddenly bursts open, causing you and Hunter to slightly jump. Standing outside the door revealed a certain navy-haired woman. Your body slightly perked up at the view of her. You quickly stood up from the ground and turned your full attention to her, hand still intertwined with Hunter's.

"Ah, I thought I would find you here. Mind helping me with a mission, (Y/N)?"  Lilith asked, lips curling into a slight smile.

"Of course, I'd love to! I'll be ready in five." You happily responded. Lilith has trained you personally since you've joined the coven. Besides Raine, she was the closest adult you knew. She's like a mother to you. She always cared about you, but she hasn't been around for a bit. You don't blame her, though. She is a coven head, after all.  "Hey, I can help!" Hunter intervened, his body perking up slightly. All Lilith did was glare at him and turn back to you.

"Great, meet me outside the gates." You nodded and watched her walk out of the room. You turned to Hunter and caught view of the slight frown on his face. "Hey, I'll be back, okay? Plus, you have duty with Belos in the throne room." You said, squeezing his hand for reassurance.

"Be careful, okay?"

"I'm always careful. Love you!" Before he could react to your last statement, you quickly scurried out the room.

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