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loading [the night before grom]...

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"Y'know, this weird pig guy was trying to put on a circus thing. He shrunk down beasts and put them in a tiny cage, and he expected it to be entertaining. I left that place as fast as I came." Hunter blabbered about his experiences at The Bonesborough Fair.

You laughed softly at his little story. The two of you were currently heading to the Emperor's room for the brief on your new mission. "What was his name? Do you remember?" You asked. He thought for a moment and responded. "I think it was like, Toobells? Tubills? I don't really remember, and I don't really care." You laughed again at the dumb names he told you. A slight blush rested on his face as you laughed. He shook away the blush and opened the throne room door.

The two of you walked up to the throne and kneeled on one knee. Both of your heads were bowed down to the floor in respect. "Hello Hunter, (Y/N). I assume you're here for your mission briefing?" You both nod your heads, scared to say anything out loud.

"Tomorrow is Hexside's Grom. As you may know, the human will probably be attending. I'm sending the two of you to spy on them to make sure nothing goes wrong. I've already called in a designer to make you guys outfits. Understood? I know I can count on the two of you. You are both my strongest knights, after all." Smiling at the praise, you both walked out of the throne room in thanks.

"Well, this'll be an interesting mission." You looked at Hunter while walking side-by-side with him. "Huh? Why? We've had a mission at Hexside before." Hunter cocked an eyebrow in confusion. "Well, we've never been to a school dance before. I wonder what they're like." You said, slightly smiling.

Hunter smiled back at you and stopped at his door. Luckily for the two of you, your rooms were right next to each other. "Wanna come in? I can tell you all about the types of demons I've learned." Hunter offers while he opens his door. Smiling apologetically, you shook your head. "I'd love to, but I need to head to the designer to get measurements and stuff like that. Don't miss me too much!"

୨⎯ "hunter's pov" ⎯୧

They walked up to him and gave Hunter a hug. Reciprocating the hug, he rested his head on theirs. It felt like his heart was going to explode out of his chest. He was surprised they didn't hear it beating so rapidly. Pulling away, they left their hands on his shoulders as he wrapped his hands around their wrists. "I'll be back, okay? I promise." They carefully slipped their hands out of his wrists and walked down the hallway.

Hunter watched them until they turned around the corner. He sighed and shut the door. He plopped down on his bed and stared at the ceiling. Why do I feel like this? My face is burning up and my chest feels so tight. Did (Y/N) put a spell on me or something? No, they wouldn't do that. If they didn't, then why does my chest get fluttery when I'm around them?! Is there something wrong with me? Did I get cursed?! He sat up and ran a hand through his blonde locks.

He grabbed his pillow and squeezed it hard. He buried his face into it and groaned before he heard a knock on his door.

"Little Prince, The Emperor-" Darius opened the door and cut himself off. His eyes drifted to Hunter's flushed appearance. "Oh my, my." Darius cocked an eyebrow and smirked. Hunter slowly lifted his head up from his pillow and stared up at the coven head. Darius crossed his arms and gazed into his soul.

"Who is clouding your mind, little prince?" Hunter's face got red and looked away. "I-I never said anyone was!" Darius softly chuckled. "Oh? Is that so? If that isn't it, what could it possibly be?" Hunter layed down on his bed again, dangling his lower half off the side. "Okay, okay. I guess there's is this person on my mind, but it's not important whatsoever! It's just that they make my chest so tight and make me feel happy and-" Hunter was cut off by Darius's laughter. Hunter's face flushed once again. "W-what's so funny?! Stop laughing at me!"

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