Chapter 2

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It has been a few months since Kacchan's birthday and since then he started to talk to me again. I honestly don't know if I should be happy or not. Part of me believes he is using me to keep his mind off of his soulmate... He has been very protective towards me lately, but I don't think he realizes that I am his supposed villainous soulmate... but I can only be 100% sure that I am after today. Today, I woke up feeling kind of excited about finding out who my soulmate was. But at the same time, the more I thought about it, the more scared I felt.


"Good morning, Honey!" She called as I met her in the kitchen.

"Morning." I replied as leaned on the door frame.

"Have you gotten your tattoo yet?" She asked as she looked at my arm.

"I haven't checked yet." I said as I looked at my covered arm.

"I am so excited for you. Can you reveal it now?" She asked over flowing in excitement.

"Sure." I replied as I revealed a tattoo of a green and orange grenade surrounded by firey explosions.
"Shit..." I cursed causing my mom to look at me in shock.

"I thought that you would be happy to find out that your soulmate is Katsuki..." She said ignoring my curse.

"I am... Kind of... He has it stuck in his mind that his soulmate is a villain and he has also been talking about how he wanted to kill his soulmate because he refuses to have a villain as a soulmate." I replied as her face turned sad.

"So, I guess you still haven't told him about your quirk..."

"If you were me, would you tell him?"

"No..." She said quietly.

"Plus, I plan on keeping my quirk a secret until the UA exams..." I said before I left to get ready for school.

"Happy birthday and stay safe." She said when I was about to leave.

"Thank you and I will." I replied as I walked out the door and was greeted by Kacchan waiting for me.

"Happy Birthday." He said as he held out a new notebook to replace the one his so called friends ruined a few days ago.

"Thank you." I said as I grabbed the notebook and we started to walk to school.

"Did you get your tattoo yet?"

"No, not yet." I lied as I showed him my clean arm.
(I am so glad I was able to cover my tattoo with makeup.)

"That sucks. I hope you get it soon." He said with a small smile.

"Me too."


Everything stayed the same until Kacchan and I were walking back from school that day...

"So, what do you want to do today?" He asked as we started to walk under a bridge on our way back home.

"I was thinking..." I started to say before I was trapped in this sludge like substance.

"You are going to be my perfect little host." The villain said as he started to try and take over my body.

(Like I am going to allow you to do that.) I thought as Kacchan tried to free me without using his quirk because he was afraid of hurting me.

"Stop struggling. I am going to give you a quick death." The Villain said causing me to laugh.
"What the hell are you laughing at?" He asked as I was finally able to free the knife I always keep in my pocket in case something like this happened. "Wait, why are you?..." He didn't get to finish his question before I slit both of my wrists and willed my blood into a rope and pulled myself out of his body by attaching the rope to a near by telephone pole.

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