Chapter 3

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"Izuku! Are you okay?! I was getting worried." She said as she ran over and hugged me as soon as I opened up the door.

"I'm fine. I just ran into some trouble and had to use my quirk... And well he knows everything now..." I said as I pointed at Kacchan that was behind me still holding the blood flowers I gave him.

"I see... I guess that I don't have to worry about you and Katsuki anymore." She said with a giggle as both Kacchan and I took off our shoes.

"I hope you don't mind if Kacchan stays over tonight..."

"Izuku you know the rules." She said with a little laugh as she left me blushing and Kacchan confused.

"What does she mean?" He asked as we went to my room.

"It's nothing." I said trying not to look at him.

"It looks like something." He said clearly not letting me drop it.

"Her rules are that I am allowed to have anyone over as long as they have permission and that I am not allowed to have sex until I'm a least 16... that was her way of reminding me." I finally answered while blushing deeply.

"Oh." He said blushing.

"Here are some clothes to sleep in, you can go change in there." I said while pointing at my bathroom.

"Okay." He replied as he grabbed the clothes and went into the bathroom to change.
"Hey Izuku, do you have another hoddie that is a little bigger?" He asked a few minutes later as he walked back into my room.

"I might." I replied as started to look through my closet forgetting that I didn't have a shirt on.

"Izuku, why don't you have shirt on?" He asked as he blushed while he stared at my abbs.

"I was in the middle of changing when you walked in." I said as I found my oversized green bunny hoodie.
"This is the only one that might be big enough. Trade?"  I asked as I walked over to him.

"Just put something on!" He yelled as he threw the red hoodie I gave him at me.

"You are so cute sometimes." I said as I put the hoodie on.

"I am not!" He protested as he put on the green hoodie over the tee-shirt I gave him.

"If you say so." I said before my mother called us downstairs for dinner.

"So, are you two finally official? What happened? Who asked who?  Does Mitsuki know? Did you guys kiss yet?" She asked us all at once after we sat down to eat.

"Mom!" I yelled causing her to stop her asking us a hundred questions at once.

"Sorry..." She said noticing that she got too excited.

"It's okay. I will explain everything that happened as we eat..."

"Thank you." She replied as I took the next thirty minutes explaining what happened.
"So, that makes the 34th villain attack... What category should I put it under?" She asked me as she got up and walked over to the chalkboard that hung on the wall.

"The coincidence category." I said with a shrug causing Kacchan to look confused.

"What is the board for?" He asked as he got up to look at it.

"Oh, this is to keep track of the villains that attacked Izuku... After his third villain attack, he asked me if we could keep track of the villains that he helped take down. I came up with this board as a way to keep track and to also show how much he has improved... It keeps track of the reasons why the villains attacked him, his injuries, the date of the attack, and the name of the villains. It has been a while since he hasn't been injured while fighting a villain..." She said with a sad tone.

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