Chapter 9

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The next day with Izuku at 11pm...

"I guess your so called friends weren't able to find you in time." Vinna said to me before she knocked me out and had her brother drag me to the ritual site. After 50 minutes, I woke up to find myself tied down in the middle of a complicated magic looking circle in the middle of a wooded area.

"What the are going to do to me?" I asked hoping that they would finally answer me.

"In the next ten minutes we are going to use all of your blood to help us resurrect my grandfather..." She said with a very excited tone as she readied her knife.

"Who is your grandfather?" I asked starting to get scared as she put a gag in my mouth to stop me from asking anything else.

"The greatest villain ever known, the Undying Catastrophe! Before dying of old age ten years ago he managed to destroy multiple cities killing over 40,000 people with the strength of his blood quirk. On his death bed he left us detailed instructions for his resurrection..." She explained  before an alarm went off letting her know that it was time to start the ritual.

"Today we gather to witness the resurrection of our leader, the Undying Catastrophe..." She started to say as the group of 30 people including Kacchan's parents started to form a circle around the one drawn on the ground.

"With blood moon as witness, we sacrifice this boy of Immortal blood for our energy to fulfill the demands of the underworld to resurrect the man called Dai Sanji also known as the Undying Catastrophe..." She said as everyone pulled out a knife causing my eyes in fill with fear.

"With the blood moon at it's fullest we start the transfer of energy!" She yelled as everyone threw their matching knifes at me causing me to let out some muffled screams as my body was impaled from the neck down by 30 different knifes. After a few minutes the circle started to light up in a bloody red light as my body started to go limp due to the puddle of blood growing underneath me.

"IZUKU!" Dad yelled as a group of heros filed into the clearing causing the group to panic.

"Everyone join hands and try to keep them away from the boy!" Vinna yelled as the heros started to run at the group trying to stop the ritual.

"This will be an easy task." She said as she licked her lips and used her quirk to knock out the group causing the circle to stop glowing.

"ZUKU!" Kacchan yelled as he ran to me before the heros could stop him.

"Kacchan... Please take the collar off..." I asked him weakly after he removed the gag in my mouth.

"Okay, just please stay with me..." He said as he started to cry as he unlocked my collar and I started to slowly heal my wounds.

"Can you start to slowly remove the knifes one by one?" I asked feeling a little stronger.

"Of course." He replied as he started to pull out the 20 knifes that were in my stomach one at a time. As we worked the other heros tied up the villains and started to destroy the circle I was currently in the middle of.

"This is the first time I had to do this..." I said as I used my blood that was surrounding me to close up my wounds as Kacchan slowly removed the knifes.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he finished removing the last knife that was in my stomach.

"I normally don't have to use my blood to heal so this is the first time I have had to use it to close up wounds..." I explained as he moved onto the six knifes that were in my legs.

"Don't you ever do this to me again! You hear me you stupid nerd!" He yelled as he pulled me into a hug after I finished healing myself.

"Yeah, yeah. I love you too." I replied before I passed out in his arms, finally safe from the group known as the Bloody Crescents.

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