Chapter 5

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With Bakugo

"I'm back!" Kacchan yelled as he opened the door.

"It took you long enough!" His dad yelled as he walked over and pulled him into the house by his hair.

"I came as fast as I could..." He replied as he was dragged to the livingroom in the center of the house were his mother waited.

"I thought I told you to stay away from Izuku!" His mother yelled as she came over and slapped him across the face.

"I was attacked by a villain yesterday and during that attack I found out that he was my soulmate..." He replied as his dad kicked him in the ribs.

"You are going to marry Yuki. I don't care if she isn't your soulmate... The two of you will make powerful children and the two of you are perfect for my business partner and I to make a lasting partnership..." She said with a venomous smile.

"I refuse to marry her! We both have our own soulmates that we love! I just don't understand why you won't except the fact that I love Izuku! Why can't you just let me be happy?!" He yelled as his dad pulled out a gun.

"We do not care that you love him! Just the fact that my son turned out gay, is just disgusting and unnatural, and I won't stand for it! So, you have two choices either go through with the marriage with Yuki or you can die here and now..." She said with venom as his father walked behind Katsuki and shot him in the leg.

"Aaaaaahhhhh, What the hell?!" He yelled as he fell to the ground and held his leg.

"This should show you that we are serious." His dad said as he walked over, put his foot on the gunshot wound, and started to slowly put pressure on it.

"You know what?" He groaned as he looked up at his father.

"What brat?" He replied as he put a little bit more weight on the wound.

"Fuck you!" He yelled as he used his quirk to blast him off of him.

"Who do you think you are to fight back?!" She yelled as she started to ran towards the gun that was laying on the other side of the room.

"He is my brave soulmate and he has every right to fight back!" I shouted as I used my quirk to control Kacchan's blood to tightly restrain both of his parents.
"I can't believe you could ever try to kill your own son just because he refused to be sold into a quirk marriage! And don't you dare tell me that it wasn't like that!" I yelled as I had a hard time controlling my anger.
"How much did you sell him for?" I asked as both Kacchan and Eraser looked at me in surprise.
"How much?!" I asked as I tighten the bonds of blood that wrapped around their bodies.

"2 million..." She said quietly.

"So I was right..." I said quietly as I walked over to Kacchan.
"I'm sorry but the most I can do is freeze your blood to stop you from bleeding out... I am so sorry..." I said as I leaned down and kissed his forehead as I stopped the bleeding.

"Why can't I melt this?" Kacchan's dad grumbled as he fought to free himself.

"My quirk can stop quirks from working if the person is covered in enough blood..." I said with a smirk as I used a blood whip to knock them out.

"I called an ambulance and they are on their way... I understand that you are angry but if you don't let them go you might end up straggling them to death..." Eraser said as he put a hand on my shoulder.

"I will let them go now..." I said as I snapped out of the trance I was in and took all the blood off of them except handcuffs that circled their wrists and ankles.
"Thank you for helping us..." I said as I willed the leftover blood into a small sized statue of a cat on it's back while playing with a yarn ball.
"I hate to leave a mess..." I said as I gave him the statue before walking over to hold Kacchan as we waited for the paramedics to arrive.

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