Chapter 7

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Six months later at their first day at Ua...

"Good morning, Dad." I said as I walked over to his hiding spot behind his desk.

"Good morning, Problem Child. I thought you wanted to keep that fact a secret." He replied as he got out of his spot surprising everyone in the class besides Kacchan.

"I changed my mind. Here, I thought that you might want some coffee." I said as I handed him a coffee mug with sleeping cats on it.

"You make the best coffee..." He said as he took a long sip from the cup.

"Hi, Future Father-in-law!" Kacchan shouted with a grin causing Aizawa to glare at him.

"Just because Izuku is your soulmate doesn't mean that I like the fact you are dating him..." He said with a glare that caused the room to grow quite.

"Dad... Stop with the death glare and Kacchan stop trying to get him mad." I replied with a glare of my own.

"Sorry..." They replied at the same time.

"Good. Now dad can we get to the lesson before you freak out your class too much." I said as I took my seat behind Kacchan.

"So, to start off my name is Shota Aizawa also known as Eraserhead but you will call me Aizawa. The only two people in the room that is allowed to call me anything else is my son and his annoying soulmate." He said with a glare causing the class to become super quite again.
"Today we will be doing a fitness exam that will determine your class ranking..." He started to explain before he was cut off.

"But sir, what about the welcoming ceremony?" Iida asked causing the class to nod their heads in agreement.

"I guess four eyes doesn't know about UA's rules." Kacchan said causing the class to turn and look at him.
"Once admitted to a class... that student has do what ever the fuck the teacher wants. So, if your teacher doesn't want to sit through the boring ceremony then you will miss the dam ceremony. And if your teacher wants to expell you then they can... So, advise you to shut up and listen to your teacher before you are forced to leave..." He said causing the whole class to look at Aizawa for conformation.

"Katsuki is right if I wanted to I could expell all of you here and now but that would be a waste so I came up with a different idea. The person that scores the lowest on the fitness exam will be asked to leave UA." Dad said causing the class to look at him in shock.

"But that's not fair..." Uraraka said.

"Life's not fair!" I yelled cutting her off causing everyone to turn to look at me.
"Do you think that society is fair with it's prejudice against different types of quirks or peoples sexuality? Do you know how many people take their life due to just how fucked up society is? Do you how many people are abused for stupid reasons? And here you are complaining about getting expelled for not trying hard enough... Suck it up." I said causing everyone to look at me with a shocked expression.
"And just so you know he isn't bluffing about expelling people... He has expelled a whole class before..." I said causing everyone to freak out a bit.

"Okay! Enough! Go get changed into your gym clothes and meet me at the fitness field in five minutes. Anyone that is late will have to run laps around the school." Dad said before quickly ran out the door.

Five minutes later...

"And times up! How many are we missing?... Oh... I guess everyone is here..." Dad said with a sad tone as he looked at the group of students.
"So, let's start with Kacchan." He said with a mocking tone causing Kacchan to turn red with anger.

"What do you want me to do, Old Man?" Kacchan asked as he walked over to him.

"I want you to throw this ball as far as you can while using your quirk. This ball has sensors so that we can record the distance that it is thrown. All of you except Izuku are allowed to use your quirk for any of these tests." He said causing everyone to turn to look at me.

"I can still use my quirk without self-harm!" I yelled causing the class to look at me with concerned looks.

"Katsuki, please demonstrate for us." He said ignoring my comment.

"Fine." Kacchan said as he walked over to the circle.
"DIE!" He yelled as he threw the ball as far as he could while using an explosion to accelerate the ball.

"702.5 meters. Nice. Now let's do the other tests before everyone else has to do the ball throw." He said as he wrote down the number.


During all the tests Kacchan and I fought for first place... I am currently in second place and I really want to be in first place for once so I decided to go against my dad's wishes.

"Now for the last person... Izuku please get over to the circle so we can get this over with." Dad said with a bored expression.

"Okay." I said as I walked over to the circle while a slowly pulled out my knife that I keep in my pocket.

"Izuku!" He yelled as I quickly slit my wrist causing all of blood to flow on the ground.

"I want to use my quirk!" I yelled as noticed all my classmates freaking out about my bleeding wrist.

"Fine, just get over with." He said with a frown as I used my blood to form a huge sling shot.

"DIE!" I yelled as I released the ball causing me to break out in a fit of laughter when I heard Kacchan yell at me for copying him.

"908.3 meters. Now clean this mess up." He said as he pointed to the blood puddle.

"Fine." I said as formed half the blood into a figure of Kacchan throwing the ball and the other half into a bunch of roses.

"Why the hell did you make a figure of me? That is creepy as hell..." Kacchan said as I walked over and gave him the roses.
"Thanks for the bloody roses..." He said quietly as he blushed causing the class to aww.

"It's my pleasure, love." I said as I pulled him into a hug as we waited for Aizawa to add up the scores.

"Okay, In first place we have Izuku... In second place we have Katsuki and in the third we have Todoroki... and the rest of you can take a look at the board." Dad said before he waited a minute before continuing.
"So, I decided to expell one student and to transfer another..." He said causing everyone to get quite.
"Mineta! Your expelled for your behavior in the locker room and the fact that I don't see any potential from you." He said causing the boy the to start crying his eyes out while trying to touch Momo...
"Go and get changed and please leave before I get angry!" He yelled at him with his death glare causing him to runnway in fear.
"Now that is done, Koda... I am worried about the fact you might be too kind and shy for hero work. So, I am going to transfer you to general studies with lessons after school with me. If I decide later on that you have the mentality to become a hero I will transfer you back in. I am just worried that you might get hurt..." He said causing Koda to look at the ground.

"I u-under-s-stand... I w-will try m-my best t-to b-become more c-confident." Koda said with a determined look in his eyes.

"Good, I will look forward to that day."
"Everyone is dismissed for today!" He yelled as we all started to walk back to the locker room.

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