Chapter 4

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In the morning...

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked Kacchan as the both of us walked to the police station.

"If it means I can be free, then I will do anything, even if it means that it would put me in harms way..." He replied as we walked into the  police station.

"Hello, what can I do to help you today... wait... Izuku?! What happened this time?" Officer Jon asked with a sigh as he walked over to greet us.

"I didn't do anything... in a fact I am not the one that needs help today... My soulmate here, needs help getting out of his abusive house hold. My mom is willing to take him in if you are able to help us arrest his parents..." I said as I reached out and grabbed  Kacchan's hand.

"Do you have any proof of the abuse?" He asked Kacchan as he pulled out his phone.

"I have an recording of her hitting and yelling at me... and towards the end of the recording you can hear her hitting me... I also have photos of the injuries she caused... but I wasn't sure if this would be enough so I came here to ask if you and a couple officers could come to my house so you could see the abuse first hand..." He said as he started playing the audio.

"Kacchan..." I said quietly as I pulled him into a hug as I listened to what sounded like a horrible beating.

"And this is the pictures I took right after the recording..." He said to the grim faced police officer after the recording finally finished.

"Did you get medical attention afterwards?" He asked after Kacchan showed him all the bruises and cuts his mom caused him.

"Since I wasn't allowed to go to the hospital I went to our school nurse. Luckily for me our nurse used to be an medical type hero before she got too old to fight. She said that I had bruised ribs and she also healed up the large cut that was on my side. She has always been there to heal me when my mom would go too far..." He replied as he looked down at the floor.

"Mrs Green is so cool right? She used to be one of the first healers to actually fight villains head on and not help in a supporting role... She fought villains quirkless and actually became the number 13 hero before retiring..." I started to mummble before Kacchan snapped me out of it.
"Sorry..." I said quietly as the two looked at me.

"It's fine Izu, I actually find it cute when you do your mumbling thing." He said with a wink causing me to blush.

"To get back on track..." Officer Jon said after he cleared his throat.
"I have enough evidence to arrest your mother but we have nothing on your dad."

"My dad hasn't hit me yet... but he is very verbally abusive... but I think that if I were to tell him that I found my soulmate and he was a guy... He would join my mom in beating me..."

"Since you don't have any proof of the abuse from your father, there really isn't any thing we could do..."

"Couldn't you go to arrest his mother after he went home...?" I asked causing him to pause to think about it.

"That would put him in danger..."

"I am willing to do whatever it takes."

"You and a few officers could step in if it gets out of hand. Plus, it would give you enough evidence if I were to secretly recorded the whole interaction." I said with a little smirk.

"Fine... I know how stubborn you can be..." He replied as a man dressed in all black walked in with a long scarf dragging three villains.
"Perfect timing Eraserhead..." He said causing the man to sigh.

"What do you want? I just finished my patrol and I just want to get a cup of coffee and go to sleep." The black haired man replied as a few officers came over and cuffed the villains.

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