Chapter 1

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***So, to start off, I just want to say that this is my au and that I do not own the characters, pictures, or the original story. This story includes DekuBaku/BakuDeku, violence, self-harm, LGBTQ, abuse, homophobia, murder, spelling and grammar mistakes, and talks about bullying, self-harm and suicide.***

***In this au Izuku uses self-harm to use his quirk, so if you are triggered by mentions of self-harm please click off this story now. And if any one of you peeps is struggling with these types of things please know that it is okay to reach out for help if you need it...***

Before we start...
This means talking "..."
This means thinking (...)

Let's start this story when Izuku goes to the doctor to find out his quirk.


"Mommy, are we there yet?" I asked as we started on our way to the doctor's office.

"We are almost there, Honey." She replied with a sigh.

"Okay." I replied in an excited tone as she began to hum while we walked the last block.

"Are you excited to see what your quirk is?" She asked as she opened the door for me.

"Yes! I want to have a strong quirk so I can be like All Might!" I replied as we both walked into the doctors office. After a few minutes of waiting the doctor called us in...

"Midoriya, please come with me." He asked us as we followed him into a room. "I see that you are here to see if little Izuku here has a quirk, is that correct?"

"That is correct. I was getting worried because the other kids his age have started to manifest their quirks and my little Izuku here hasn't." She responded with a worried tone.

"What quirks do you and the boy's father have?"

"I can move small objects with my mind and my husband can breathe fire..." She said not looking him in the eyes.

"Okay... let me get some x-rays and a blood sample to make sure that he has a quirk."

"I have some good news and bad news." He said as he walked into the room an hour later.
"The good news is that Izuku has a quirk but it is one that will put him a lot of danger."

"What do you mean?" She asked concerned.

"First, let me ask you, what are yours and your husband's parents quirks?"

"Well, my mother had a strong telekinesis quirk and my father was quirkless. My husband's father is "quirkless" and his mother had a vampire type quirk."

"Did his grandmother have a type of immortality?" He asked causing my mother's face to drain of color.

"You don't mean..."

"Izuku's quirk is called Blood Immortal. It allows him to control any blood that he comes in contact with, it could be his own or others. The draw back of his quirk is that it causes him to become immortal. I suggest telling people that he is quirkless until he is strong enough to protect himself because villains will try to take him using any means necessary."

"Mommy, can I still be a hero?" I asked thinking about my scary quirk.

"Of course you can. Any quirk can be used by heros. All that matters is how that person uses their quirk." She said causing me to be happy.

"Okay, I promise to use my quirk for good." I said with a smile.

Let's skip to the last few months of Izuku's Middleschool days.


It has been 10 years since I have spoken to Kacchan... After I told him that I was quirkless, he told me that he didn't want to be friends with me anymore because I couldn't be a hero if I was quirkless. His new friends started to bully me because of it, but for some reason Kacchan didn't join in... He has been acting like I don't exist...
If you didn't know, people in this world teens get a tattoo when they turn 15. The tattoo is a way for people to find their soulmate and it is supposed to represent a person's quirk or talent. Today is Kacchan's birthday and I am kind of hoping that he is my soulmate even though he has been ignoring me... But I can't help it, I have been in love with him since we were very little...

I was at school when I overheard Kacchan talking to his friends...

"I can't believe that I have a villain for a soulmate..." Kacchan said as he showed his friends his tattoo that was on his arm.

"They could just have a villainous quirk..." One of his friends replied.

"Even so if I am going to be the number one hero and that means that I can't have a soulmate that has that type of quirk." Kacchan said as he turned his arm just enough that I could see it.

(The tattoo is of a green skull in front of two knifes that were made out of blood... Wait blood control... I'm his soulmate... No... He is going to hate me when he finds out.) I thought to myself as I started to freak out a bit.

"I am not going to find my soulmate. I am either going to find someone else or stay alone..." He said before I turned around and left to go to class.

(There is a chance that we are not soulmates and I am just overreacting... but isn't it a good thing that he might be my soulmate?)

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