Chapter 8

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Let's skip to the USJ...

"Today, we are going to practice rescues..." Dad started to explain before he was cut off by Kirishima yelling.

"Cool! They even have fake villains!" He yelled as villains started to pour out of some black inky mist.

"Those are real villains! Everyone get behind me!" Dad yelled as the villains finished filling out of the mist.

"Hello crappy Heros! We are here for a mission... The mission being the capture of the Blood Immortal! The Bloody Crescents have hired us to capture and bring him to their headquarters..." Shigaraki started to say causing me to tremble.
"They said that the boy had green hair..." He said as scanned our group before landing on my shaking form.
"Blood Immortal, I heard great things about you... one of them being that you can capture any villains that stand against you... I am disappointed to find out that you are just a scared child..." He started to say before I cut him off.

"I am not shaking from fear you crusty bastard!" I yelled as I walked to the front of the group.
"I am shaking from anger! Why can't they leave me alone!" I yelled as everyone including the villains took a step away from me.

"They are pretty pissed about the death of Rose and Red... That battle was very cool by the way. I wouldn't expect the kid that killed two people was trying to become a hero... Oh wait the killer of three..." He said with a smirk causing everyone to look at me in shock.

"I didn't mean to kill her... I didn't know she was pregnant..." I said quietly.

"Izuku..." My dad said is a sad tone.

"They were trying to capture me for some ritual and I was just trying to get away and I didn't realize that the knife I threw killed her until it was too late..." I explained causing the class to look at me in pity.

"That was one hell of a shot... You one shotted her with a dull knife. You would make one hell of a villain kid." Shigaraki said

"How did you even see the fight?" I asked as I slowly started to grab the knife out of my pocket.

"I was there... but that doesn't matter now. You have two opinions, you can either come with us willingly or we can capture you by force." He said as the hundred villains he brought with him prepared to fight.

"I think you know the answer." I said as I quickly slit both of my wrists and used the blood to tie up the villains in groups of 10 leaving just the leader and the mist user.

"Okay, Kurogiri you know what to do." He said as the mist user opened a portal under my feet instantly teleporting me into a cell like room.

"IZUKU!" Kacchan yelled as the portal closed.

"We are done here." Shigaraki said as he depeared just as quickly with the mist user in toe leaving the captured villains in the room with the surprised heros in training.


With Izuku...

"I guess they could be of use after all..." Vinna, the leader of the Bloody Crescents said as she walked over to the bars of the door of my new dark cell.

"It has been a long time, Blood Immortal..." Her brother said with a venomous smile as he unlocked my cell so he could put a collar around my neck.

"Not long enough." I said as I resisted against him.

"Enough." He said as he clicked the collar on and I felt my body grow heavy.

"What hell did you just do?!" I yelled as the man pulled out some bandages and began to bandage my arms.

"I just put a quirk canceling collar on you... So sit still and let me bandage these cuts before you die from them! We need you to be alive!" He yelled as he quickly finished wrapping my arms before he left my cell.

"What do you guys want from me?" I asked quietly as I started to feel light headed from the bloodloss.

"Your blood will be used in a ritual during the full moon tomorrow. That is all you need to know... Oh, I should introduce to the people that told me about your usefulness." She said as I heard two sets of foot steps come closer.

"Hello, Izuku." Kacchan's sorry excuse for a mom said as she and her husband walked over to the door so that I could see them.

"How did you get out of prison?" I asked surprised that they were here.

"I escaped with the help of our leader..."

"Wait! Your apart of the Bloody Crescents?!" I yelled caused the group the laugh.

"My husband and I were some of the founding members." She said causing my face to drain of color.

"How did you find out about my quirk? And why did you try and keep Kacchan away from me?" I asked causing her to become angry.

"I always had a feeling that your were my son's soulmate and when he openly said that he was gay and had a crush on you, I couldn't stand it. My son wasn't supposed to be a disgusting gay..." She said with venom.
"Oh, right." She said after she calmed down.
"I saw one of your villain fights and I knew that your quirk was perfect for our groups purpose so I told the leaders. Plus, I could kill you after we used you so that I could marry Katsuki off with no worries..." She said as a smirk.

"You are sick!" I yelled as she turned to leave with her husband on her heals.
"It all makes sense now... Kacchan's friends were probably paid by Mitsuki to keep him away from me... She probably also had some group members monitor Kacchan and I..." I mumbled quietly as I put all the pieces together.
"For what it is worth, I am sorry for killing Rose and Red..." I said as I looked at the two leaders.

"We know that you didn't mean to but that doesn't change the fact that they are dead." Vinna said with venom before the two of them left leaving me alone to think about things.


With the class at UA...

"Class, calm down we will get Izuku back. We currently have heros searching for him as we speak." Aizawa said causing the class the calm down a bit.

"This is so bad..." Kacchan said as he pulled out his phone and called Inko.
"Auntie!" He yelled causing everyone to turn and look at him.

"Yes, Katsuki." She asked in a worried tone.

"The Bloody Crescents have Izuku! Can you take pictures of my notebook I was using to analyze the fights?" I asked as I heard her start to cry.
"I'm sorry that I couldn't protect him... but this could help the heros find him." He asked in a gentle tone.

"I understand... Just give me a few minutes to calm down and to send the photos..." She replied a few minutes later.

"Thank you and I promise that we will save him before they do the ritual..." He said before she hung up.

"Katsuki! What was that about?" Aizawa asked in a worried tone.

"Well, I have been analyzing all of Izuku's villain fights and I found out that he last like 10 fights were all connected to a group called the Bloody Crescents. They have been after Izuku for over a year now. They are after him because his blood can be used for some kind of ritual. I don't know what the ritual is for but I did find out that they need to do it on the full moon, which is tomorrow. So, we have until tomorrow night to find him before they bleed him dry..." He said getting upset but still trying to stay focused.

"Okay, can you explain from the beginning so we can form a plan?" Aizawa asked after he pulled Katsuki into the teachers lounge full of the schools top heros.

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