Chapter 6

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A week later at Izuku's house after Katsuki has been released from the hospital.

"You need to rest, you just got out of the hospital." My mom nagged Kacchan that was currently reading through my notebook on my Villian fights.

"I am resting. I am on the couch with my leg up just as the doctors told me to do." Kacchan replied causing my mom to sigh.

"Mom, he has been bugging me to let him read that for days now, so let him do it. You know how stubborn he can be..." I said causing Kacchan to look up from the notebook to glare at me.

"I am worried about your safety! Now that I am free, it is time for you to be too. I want to figure out what groups might be involved with the Bloody Crescents and why they might want you."

"Since, you want to do this now... Here." I said as I put my laptop on his lap.

"What is this for?" He asked as I pulled up a folder with two videos on it.

"These are two videos of my fights... The first one was caught on a security camera when I was 12 and I got attacked in alleyway. And the second video was caught by a bystander the day I got sent to the hospital..." I said causing Kacchan to look at me with a mix of sadness and determination.

"Can you play the first one?"

"Sure, I don't think I have ever watched these videos before. So, this will be new for me too." I said as I pressed play. When I started, it showed little me being surrounded by four guys. The video had no sound so you couldn't hear what they were saying as they circled me. After one minute they attacked, one man pinned me down while the other started to undress me...
"Oh, it's this one." I said causing Kacchan to pause the video.

"Were they doing what they think..."

"Yes. Let's just continue." I replied as I started the video again. After the men got all my clothes off they started to beat me. After an hour, I finally had bleed enough to control my blood into a thin knife were I was able to cut a large gash on my wrist so I could defend myself. Just when one of the men started to unbuckle their pants I was able to control my blood into blood ropes that tied up the men. Then you could see me kick each man in there balls hard enough that they passed out from the pain. The video ended after we watched me slowly get my clothes back on.
"From what I remember, they wanted to take me to this guy called Kai so that he could experiment on me...  They kept telling me about how my quirk would work perfectly for one of his experiments and how they would get a lot of money from selling me to him.. but they wanted to have their "fun" first... which ended up being their downfall." I said with a smirk.

"I am sorry that you went through that but I am proud of you. I mean that kick to the balls..." He said with a chuckle.
"That is definitely one way to knock someone out." He said bursting out into laughter.

"Stop laughing, Kacchan! But I agree it was a little funny. I just remember thinking that I should make it so they would have a hard time..." I said causing Kacchan to laugh harder.

"Can you play the second video?" He asked after he calmed down.

"Sure." I said with a frown as I opened the video and it started to play...


In the video...

"Hey Kid! Are you the Blood Immortal that has been becoming so popular in the underground lately?" A woman asked me as her group started to surround me.

"I don't know what you are talking about..." I replied trying to act dumb.

"My twin sister, Vinna never gets the wrong person... Izuku Midoriya..." A man said as he stepped forward.

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