𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞

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"Bo! You need to get here! Fast! Right now! Please!" Briar Sinclair held the phone to her ear as she hurried into her car, asking what was happening with the girl on the other line. "The trailer across the lot, there's screaming and the lights are flickering again. I think somethings wrong." Briar gave the girl a quick okay as she quickly drove to the trailer park, being only two minutes away.

"Give me two minutes, Max. I'll be right there, okay. Don't leave the trailer until I get there. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, okay. Just hurry." After what felt like the longest two minutes ever, Briar finally pulled into the drive, parking and getting out of the car as quickly as she could, hearing the horrifying screams coming from the trailer across the lot from Max's. "Bo!"

"Max, stay inside. If I start screaming, call the cops." The young red head nodded as Briar popped the trunk of her car, pulling out an axe, the same one she had used on Fourth of July, and in the cabin when the demigorgan found them at the fair. The Sinclair girl walked over to the trailer with caution, her hands gripping the axe as she pulled door open, seeing Eddie Munson, Hawkins certified freak, unconscious on the floor. "Munson? Hey, wake up." Briar kneeled down next to the unconscious boy after tossing her axe on the couch nearby, softly slapping his cheek a few time before he quickly shot up.

"Holy fuck! Where am I? Shit!"

"Hey!" The boys eyes widened as he jerked his head to look at her.

"Are you an angel? Am I dead? Did that thing kill me too?" Briar shook her head as the boy sat up on his elbows, out of breath and clearly confused.

"What happened here, Eddie?" The long haired brunette sighed, trying to calm himself down but that only led him into a ramble.

"She was on the ceiling, and then her eyes. Holy fuck. Her legs and arms too, man." Briar chuckled, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Are you sure you're not high?" Eddie repeatedly shook his head, telling her to go into the back room and see for herself. So the girl stood up, grabbed her axe and walked towards the back room with caution. What she saw next could scar even the toughest man on earth. Chrissy Cunningham laid there, her bones broken so badly that her leg stuck outwards. Her jaw was broken and her eyes were missing, and it was something Briar would never forget. "Holy fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck."

"Sinclair, man, you gotta believe me. I didn't touch her. She just wanted to buy off me and she started floating and then all of a sudden she's falling from the ceiling, looking like a snapped tree branch." Briar looked around, realizing if she stayed, she would probably get arrested for something she didn't do.

"Okay, we gotta get outta here. Like now!" Eddie quickly scrambled to his feet, following the brunette out the door. "Get in my car!" The boy didn't think twice before running over to Briar's car, hopping into the passenger side as Briar threw the axe in the trunk. She quickly slammed it shut before getting in the front seat and starting the car, speeding off. Suddenly, the Sinclair girls phone started to ring, the boy trying to hand the phone to her. "You answer it, I'm driving! Just wait until they speak first. If it's urgent, I'll talk."

"Hello, Bo? It's Max, where'd you go?" Eddie moved the phone away from his ear and covered the mic, telling the Sinclair girl that some kid named Max was on the phone.

"Talk to her, tell her we had to leave and that if anyone asks, you didn't do it and I wasn't here." Eddie nodded his head and spoke to the girl.

"Hi, uhm Sinclair said to tell you that if anyone asks, you never saw her and to let you know that I didn't do it. Okay, bye." Briar drove as Eddie put the phone down, hanging up on the Mayfield girl.

"You just hung up on her? What the fuck, Eddie?"

"Well, isn't there that thing where they can track you if you make long enough phone calls. And turn here, I know a place we can hide. You know lovers lake?" Briar glared at him as she drove, the boy scoffing. "Not like that. I know a guy, and he lets me use his house when he's out of town." Briar nodded her head as she quickly drove to the lake as Eddie looked at her. "Thank you, Briar. For not turning me in and shit." Briar sat there for a moment, not speaking a word as she drove along the road.

"Bowie." Eddie looked at her for a moment, as she spoke again. "Everyone calls me Bowie."

Bowies name was originally supposed to be Lennon but someone just published a story where her OCs name is Lennon and I don't wanna seem like I'm stealing it..

Guys, you don't know how many times it's happened. Like I'm four chapters into a book, not published, and suddenly I see a book get published for the same love interest, I read it, and the oc has the same name or it's the same plot. And I'm sitting here trying to fix my story because theirs came out first and I'm a smaller account so I don't wanna seem like I'm stealing shit yk?

Love you besties <3

𝐒𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐓, e.m.Where stories live. Discover now