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    "Another can of soup? They need to bring us more food. This is your fifth one today."

    "Not soup this time, Bo. Nope, it's spaghetti-o's." Briar nodded, as Eddie took the soup pot and put it on the stove, turning it on as he poured the spaghetti-o's in. As he finished, he took the walkie talkie from off the kitchen counter as he joined Briar on the couch, the girl's head resting on his shoulder. Over the past few days, after spending every hour of the day together, Eddie and Briar got closer. They felt most comfortable around each other after what they saw in Eddie's trailer. Eddie only really told Briar about his problems, and Eddie has been the only person Briar told about Billy. Max knew, but that's because Briar felt obligated to tell her, because she was Billy's step sister. "Hey, Dustin, this is Eddie the banished and Bo, the damsel in distress." Briar removed her head from Eddie's shoulder, before speaking into the walkie talkies mic.

    "Not a damsel, not in distress. Carry on." Eddie continued to call for Dustin, not getting a response until Nancy answered.

    "Hey, it's Nancy." Eddie placed his pot of spaghetti-o's on the coffee table as Briar plopped her head back down on the Munson boy's shoulder.

    "Wheeler, hey! Bowie and I are gonna need a food delivery. I finished all the soup and I just found a year old can of spaghetti-o's.But we need it, like, really soon, unless you want me and Bo going out into the world." The two teens waited for a moment, Briar beginning to fall asleep on the boy as she heard Nancy on the other side of the walkie talkie telling him not to leave the house. "Yeah, yeah, yeah.Listen, can you pick me up a six pack, and some more Doritos for Bowie?"

    "Hey, I'm gonna have to call you back." Before Eddie could say anything, Nancy had already turned off the other walkie talkie.

    "No, don't you da- Wheeler! Wheeler!" Briar groaned as the boy moved quickly, her head knocking against the arm of the sofa as Eddie moved off the couch.

    "Ouch, you dumbass." Eddie turned back around to look at Briar before throwing the walkie talkie on the coffee table. He placed his hands under the girl's head and shoulders, moving her so he could sit there. After he sat down, he gently placed her head in his lap, letting the girl get comfortable.

    "I hope we live through this, man."


It had been about an hour since the Sinclair girl fell asleep when suddenly, Eddie heard the sound of cars getting close. The boy jolted, waking up Briar as he did.

    "What the fuck, Eddie?" The girl sat up as Eddie got up from the couch, telling her that there were people coming and he didn't know if they were coming to the house or not.

    "Back door." The two ran to the back door, even though Briar was till half asleep, leaving the door to the house open as she ran down to the building, opening the door and slamming it shut behind Eddie. As soon as they got inside, Eddie began to call for the others, looking out the windows as a car parked by the house.

    "That's Carver's car." Eddie sighed as he continuously tried to get an answer from the others, getting nothing. "We gotta go. Get the stuff out of the boat then get in, Eddie. Hurry." The boy quickly got everything out of the boy before getting in the boat while Briar untied the rope that kept the boat docked. She pushed the boat out toward the open water before quickly jumping in while Eddie rowed them out.

    "They're coming. Oh fuck."

    "Hey, freak!" Eddie turned to see Jason and Patrick come out from the trees, Briar cursing under her breath. "Briar? Are you fucking kidding me? With this freak? You and your whole family are fucked in the heads to be protecting Munson like this." Briar looked at Eddie, the boy looking at her as if what Jason was saying was true. She softly shook her head and smiled, standing up in the boy, and turning to the two boys. Briar smirked before held up two middle fingers.

    "Suck. My. Dick!" Jason glared at the girl before he began to take his clothes off, the Munson boy moving towards the boats motor, trying to start it. Jason ran into the water, swimming as fast as he could towards the boat.

    "Come on. Come on." Eddie continued to try and get the motor to work as Briar tried to paddle with the oar. "Gotta help me out here, man! Okay, alright." Eddie soon gave up on the motor, grabbing the other oar to help Briar row as Jason began to catch up to the boat. Briar stopped rowing, after she noticed that the two boys in the water slowed down, Patrick farther back than Jason as Eddie swung the oar around. "Stay back, man! Stay back!"

    "Hey, come on, lets go. We almost have him." Briar moved towards Eddie, putting her hand on his shoulder, stopping him from swinging the oar as they all watched Patrick look around in the water. "Hey, Patrick. Patrick. Patrick!" Suddenly the boy got pulled underwater, making Eddie and Briar stop themselves, looking into the water as Jason called out for his friend. Out of nowhere, Patrick shot up from under the water, floating in the air, scaring the two. The boat rocked so far forward the the two fell out of the boat, making a loud splash as the fell into the water. The two surfaced, Briar seeing the boy already looking at Patrick. Briar grabbed Eddie's arm, turning him to face her. She knew that no one should have to go through that ever, let alone twice.

    "Hey, don't look at Patrick. Stay with me, okay? Keep your eyes here with mine, kay? Just look at me." The two teens began to hear the snapping of Patricks bones, Eddie flinching at the sound of each snap as they kept themselves afloat. "It's okay. Just don't look."

Cute Eddie and Bowie moments >>>
I love them together already

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