𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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A few moments after she touched the red light, she was laying on the floor, gasping for air.

"Holy fuck." Briar got up, hearing the sound of screeching catching her attention. She stood up, seeing Robin, Nancy, and even Eddie getting up with her. She ran to Eddie, throwing her arms around him, the boy snaking his arms around the Sinclair girl.

"I told you so." The boy smiled as he let go of the girl, his eyes widening as he saw the Harrington boy on the floor getting strangled by what looked like a bat.

"Steve!" Nancy quickly turned at the sound of the boys name, grabbing an oar from a nearby boat covered in vines as Eddie grabbed the other one. Robin and Briar having no choice but to go weaponless as they all ran over to the Harrington boy, who was struggling on the floor. Nancy took the oar and whacked one of the demobats that was nipping at Steve's torso, the monster flying away.

"Hey there." The Wheeler girl quickly hit the other one away as Robin stepped on the one that had its tail wrapped around Steve's throat.

"Kill it! Kill it!" Briar turned around to the sound of the bats screech, Eddie cursing as the girl watched it fly at them.

"Eddie!" Briar watched as Eddie stepped in front of her, whacking at the bat as it tried to get to the Sinclair girl.

"Stay. Away. From. My. Girlfriend!" Briar smiled as she moved out from behind Eddie, grabbing the bat that had stuck itself on Nancy's back.

"Get it off of me." The bat had unstuck its claws from the Wheeler girls back, turning to start scratching at Briar.

"Fuck off, you ugly ass piece of shit! Cmon you son of a bitch." The bat snapped at her as she tightened her grip on its wings, one hand going up as the other ripped down, practically tearing the bat in half with her hands. Steve had finally gotten a grip on the bats tail, biting into it before he got up, holding the bat by its tail as it tried to fly away.

"God damn it! Shit." Eddie on the other hand, had jabbed at the bat flying towards him, stabbing it as he hit it into the ground while the girls watched together as Steve bashed the bat that had nearly killed him into the ground. He placed a foot on one of its wings before pulling on its tail, ripping it in half. Briar turned to look at the Wheeler girl, smiling as she leaned in to whisper.

"Close your mouth, Wheeler. You're drooling." Nancy looked at the girl as Eddie walked over to Briar, gently placing his hand under her chin, turning her face so he could get a better look at her.

"It got you pretty good there, Bo." Briar shrugged as Eddie dropped his hand from her chin to the back of her head, the other snaking around her waist. He pulled her into his chest, the girl quick to wrap her arms around him. "I'm glad you're okay."

"So, girlfriend, huh?" Eddie chuckled as he pulled away from her, his eyes meeting hers.

"If you couldn't tell already, I really like you, man." Briar shrugged with a grin on her face, her hand resting on Eddie's chest.

"You're okay, I guess." The two laughed together as someone behind them cleared their throat.

"Hate to breakup the party but we've got a problem. Look." The two teens pulled apart from each other, following Robins hand as she pointed up into the sky.

"The woods! Let's go!" Briar grabbed ahold of Eddie's hand, pulling him with her as she began to run, Nancy and Steve following close behind.

"Great. More running."


The five teens hid under the giant Skull Rock, Eddie and Briar staying impossibly close to each other as the bats flew overhead.

"Oh, okay. That was close." Everyone nodded in agreement with the first as they crawled out from under the rock, finally able to stretch their limbs.

"Too close." The Sinclair girl suddenly heard a thud behind her, only to see Steve trying to hold himself up against the rock.

"Steve? Jesus." The boy tried his best to make sure Nancy, Robin, and Briar didn't worry too much.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." Nancy shook her head as she walked over to him, grabbing his arm and trying to make him sit down.

"You're not. You're losing blood. Come on, sit. All right?" The Harrington boy grunted as he sat, wincing in pain. "All right." The boy removed his hand from the wound for the other four to see a hole in his abdomen, making them all groan in disgust.

"Okay, so the good news is I'm pretty sure wooziness is not a common symptom of rabies. But if you start having hallucinations or muscle spasms, or you start feeling really aggressive, like you wanna punch me, let me know." Briar smiled as Robin rambled on, the Wheeler girl beside her ripping up her skirt.

"I kinda wanna punch you." Robin laughed, as Nancy kneeled down beside the two.

"Sense of humors still intact. That's a good sign." Nancy gave Steve the okay as the Harrington boy sat up, Briar turning away so she didn't have to see the wound.

"Okay. You ready?" Steve nodded before Nancy quickly began to wrap the cloth around his torso, the boy hissing in pain. "Too tight?"

"No, that's good." Steve and Nancy stared at each other as Eddie tapped Briars shoulder, telling her she could look now as Steve thanked the Wheeler girl. She watched as the two looked at each other, their eyes never leaving the others. Eddie left the girls side, beginning to climb up a rock, looking out into more trees before turning around.

"So, uh, this place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?" Briar nodded her head, answering the boy.

"Pretty much." Briar watched as Eddie began to climb down, yelling out to the boy. "Eddie, wait. Don't step on the vines. It's a hive mind."

"A what?" Before Briar could answer, Steve answered for her.

"All the creepy crawlies around here, dude, they're like, one, or something. You're stepping on a vine, your stepping on a bat, you're stepping on Vecna." Eddie nodded his head and shrugged his shoulders before he began to climb down.

"Well shit."

Eddie and Bowie?
Bf and gf?
But now we know they like each other !!

𝐒𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐓, e.m.Where stories live. Discover now