𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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Briar was wearing her black long sleeve, Eddies denim vest, and a pair of goggles on her head to keep her hair out of her eyes until she needed to use them. The bandana she had used to get to the rv was now wrapped around her neck, also able to be worn as a face mask if she needed it. Steve had found her a few envelopes, so her letters were tucked in the denim vest pockets.

    "Well, don't you look ready to fight of a noseless asshole?" Briar turned to the curly headed Munson boy, a smile on her face as he made his way towards her. "You ready?" Briar looked up at the boy as she straightened out his leather jacket for him, making him smile.

    "Born ready." Briar watched as Eddie's eyes flickered between her eyes and her mouth, making her grin as she pulled him close, whispering to him. "You going to kiss me or not, Munson?" Eddie smirked as he cupped her face, pulling her towards him, their lips locking as she placed her hand on his torso. When they pulled apart, they kept their foreheads rested against each other, the two wishing to stay in this moment forever.

    "You better not do anything stupid when we get in there, okay?" Briar pulled away from the brunette, looking into his eyes and smiled.

    "Can't promise anything, Eddie. You know that."

    "I know."


The group pulled up to the first location, the old house with the stained glass. This was the first step in their plan, the part of the plan where Erica and Lucas would leave Briar. The older Sinclair got out with her siblings and Max, saying her goodbyes to the three.

    "Lucas, take care of Erica. You two better promise that you wont do anything stupid." Erica and Lucas looked at each other before looking back at Briar, who sighed and rolled her eyes. "Okay, that was dumb, but at least try to be smart about things, okay?" The two younger siblings nodded their heads as they pulled their older sister into a hug, who sighed in worry before she opened her arms up wider for Max. "You're family too, Max. Make sure these two stay on their plan. I love you three, and I need you all to come home when you're done, okay?" The three of them all gave the girl quiet okays as the four pulled away. "Stay safe and get your shit done. Bye, guys."

    "Bye, Bo. Stay safe." The three made their way towards the house as Briar made her way back into the rv with Dustin, Robin, Eddie, Steve, and Nancy.

"Hey, they'll be okay." Briar looked at Eddie as he interlocked their fingers, squeezing her hand.

"I know."


"Okay, I wanna run through it one more time." Nancy turned around to face the group in the RV, sighing. Briar rested her head on Eddie's shoulder, her hand squeezing his gently. "Phase one."

"Meet Erica at the playground. She'll signal Max and Lucas when we're ready." Briar couldn't held but feel worried. Her youngest siblings were apart of a plan that could potentially get all of them killed and she didn't know what she would do if either of them got hurt.

"Phase two."

"Max baits Vecna. He'll go after her, which ll put him in his trance." Nancy sighed, looking and Briar, Eddie, and Dustin, asking for phase three.

"Me, Bo, and Eddie will draw the bats away." Eddie grinned, placing his free hand on Dustin's head, shaking it a bit which made Briar softly chuckle. The curly headed Munson boy looked at the girl, pecking the side of her head as Robin spoke.

"We head into Vecna's hopefully newly bat-free lair, and... flambé." Robin holds up one of her and Steve's has filled bombs, smirking.

"Nobody moves onto the next phase until we've all copied. Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?" All at once, like it was practiced, Eddie, Bowie, Robin, Dustin, and Steve responded with a got it, moving around the van to grab their things. Briar grabbed her spear and shield, sighing as everyone made their way off the RV, Eddie stopping when he saw Briar hesitate. The Munson boy walked over to the Sinclair girl, speaking very softly to her.

"Hey." That was all he said before Briar started to quietly cry, the tall boy pulling her to his chest, one arm around her while his opposite hand held the back of her head. Her arms were wrapped around his torso, crying into his shirt. "It's okay, Bo. It's okay. You can do this. Hey, look at me." Briar looked up at Eddie, who had the sweetest smile on his face as he used his hands to wipe her tears for her.

"I'm scared, Eddie." The boy sighed, nodding his head in agreement as he cupped her cheeks.

"It's okay to be scared. Fuck, I was scared when I was hiding from the cops. You know that. I was scared when I dove into that lake after you. And I was scared when I realized that you meant a lot to me, because I've never felt this way. So, sometimes it's okay to be scared. Just use that feeling you have and turn it into something else. Let's fuck shit up." Briar chuckled as Eddie pulled her towards him, placing his lips on hers. Briar had kissed a few guys in her life, but none of them have felt like this before. That cliche sounding feeling of sparks and fireworks that people tell you they feel with the right person, are real. The two teens pulled away from each other, Eddie's eyes still closed as he attempted to savior the moment. "You okay now?"

"Let's go kick ass, Munson."

hey lovers!
I'm determined to get this done tn
or tmrw so stay tuned!!

𝐒𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐓, e.m.Where stories live. Discover now