every breath you take

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                      (based on stranger things s4)

it was a cool night in lenora hills, california. el had just got done brushing her teeth, she grabbed her green scrunchie from max and tied her hair up. it was past her shoulders now and she was so so happy about it. she shut her curtains and walked over to her bed. laying down and getting underneath the covers, the lights from the hallway shingling through her cracked door.. three inches always

she laid there and looked up at the ceiling of her room. it was quiet.. she hated the quiet. it wasn't that dark, the colors of her room helping. she liked colors, yellow and purple specifically. a huge contrast from the all white walls she's lived in before.. there was color here and there in her room. pictures she's drawn, her closet full of colorful clothes, her yellow curtains, and her colorful comforter

el tossed and turned for a bit before she heard static and her eyes lit up. moving the covers and grabbing her walki from her box of all things mike. his letters, pictures of him she had, the box the ring came in

"el? hey are you there? eleven?" she heard muffled through the static, immediately knowing the voice

"mike" she breathes out with a smile on her face as she turned the dial and soon the static was disappearing

"el" the sound of his voice immediately brought her comfort, bringing the covers back up as she sighed and held the walki close

"hi" she says holding down the button "i miss you" she smiled softly as she looked at the ring "the rings beautiful mike.. thank you"

there was some static before she heard him speak again "i miss you too.. im glad you like it"

her face faltered for a bit as she looked at her calendar "it is day seventy nine"

"i know" there was a pause and more static "feels like forever since i last saw you"

her fingers bunched up the covers as she turned on her side "i miss you" she says again

"me too.. so much—hey uh i went to the music store a week or so ago, i was trying to find a new record"

her ears perked up at this, she loved hearing about his day and what he's been up to, what everyone's been up to "yeah? did you?"

"yeah but, i also found something else" mike says on the other line, mirroring el almost identically, laying on his side with the covers up and over his body as his room was dark, the only light being from his lamp that was dim on his side table

"what did you find?" he hears over the walki, thankfully the service was so much better thanks to ceribro being on his roof now

"a guitar"

there was some silence before he heard her voice again "g..guitar? what is that?"

he smiled a little as he heard her "it's an instrument, you make music on it"

"l-like.. a song?"

"yeah! a song" he nods before moving and leaning over to grab his guitar

"how.. how do you make song on.. guitar?" mike smiled softly listening to her voice, her speech was slowly improving

"you just holding some strings down, tune it and then strum, pretty easy—i'm saying this because i've only been learning for a week or so, i'm pretty shit"

el gasped and shook her head "no, no mike you are not shit"

he laughed quietly and shook his head "thanks el, but you haven't even heard me play"

"can i? r-right now?" she asks quietly, laying in her room while looking at her wall

his eyes widened slightly, panic coating his face as he looked around, shit! shit! i cant play, i just started learning!

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