girlfriends don't lie. boyfriends don't lie either.

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It's a warm somewhat chilly night in July 1985. Mike wanted to take El to Lovers Lake to look at the stars. But El was skeptical about this because Mike has been acting weird all day.

Mike walks down the basement stairs and sees El in her blanket fort trying to read a book. Mike sits down next to her and admires her. When she's focused Mike thinks it's the cutest thing ever. She scrunches her nose when she can't figure out a word or if it's too confusing, when she finally figures out the word she gets this huge smile on her face and says "Mike I did it!" El notices Mike sitting next to her and puts her book down.

"Hi" Mike says with a small smile


"Are you learning new words?" Mike asks

El shakes her head "no there too...

Mike can see El is getting frustrated

"Too.. what did you say when you were playing that game with Lucas?"

Mike looks confused but then remembers how he said that the game they were playing yesterday was complicated.

"Complicated?" Mike says with uncertainty

"Yes that one, there too compli... ugh I can't say it."

Mike puts his hand on El's hand "Hey it's okay you'll get it someday"

Mike's thumb rubs El's palm "are you sure? Do you promise?"

Mike smiles at the word she used, ever since that time he had to hid her from his her from his mom and he said that word. That has always been their word.

"I promise."

El giggles and puts her head on Mike's shoulder they stay there for a little just being with each other was enough for them.

"Well are you ready to go?" Mike asks he wants to get there soon so they can see all the stars just like planned

El takes her head off of Mike's shoulder and smiles "Yes."

Mike gets out of the fort and gives his hand out for El to take

El gladly takes it and they walk up the basement stairs to the front door

Mike heads over to his bike

"Hop on"

El gets on the back of Mike's bike and holds on to him just like last time. Mike and El bike down the street to Lovers Lake. Mike thought that Lovers Lake was the perfect place to take El. El lays her head on Mike's back while Mike bikes down the street. They eventually arrive and El is fascinated by the crystal water and starry night sky.

"El where here" El hops off the bike with Mike's help. Mike takes El's hand and they sit at the dock.



"The sky pretty stars"

"Yeah they are pretty"

"Like you" Mike looks at El in awe

"What?" mike asks with a little laugh. El reaches over and touches Mike's cheeks with her finger and smiles

"Stars, Pretty."

"Oh, you mean my freckles?"

El looks confused "freck-els?"

"Yeah the little dots on my face, there called freckles"


Mike and El look up at the night sky filled with stars. Mike is nervous because he wants to tell El something but he doesn't know how to say it. Mike has been wanting to say those three words to El for the longest time. Ever since she came back to him from those three hundred and fifty three days apart, he knew it wasn't just a crush. He knew he felt this way from day one. When he called her pretty and beautiful he knew. But she is so much more than just those things. She's caring, kind, she loves her friends. For Mike she's the reason he goes to sleep with a smile on his face and her in his mind, she's the reason he wakes up every day happy. Mike Wheeler is head over heels in love with El Hopper, and he's known since day one. Since that night when they were looking for Will and found her in her the woods in the rain all cold and soaked, he knew that she was going to be an important person in his life. So tonight underneath the stars at Lovers Lake he's going to tell her he loves her.




El smiles at Mike and its a smile that could make him melt and become part of the water below them. Mike takes a deep breath and intertwines his and her fingers.

"El.. I Love You."

El is shocked, she knows what that word means because she's heard it many times on her soaps and because she asked Hopper what that word meant. She never thought that Mike Wheeler would say that to her. She's just a girl from a lab that has been experimented on most of her life, but when she's with Mike she feels like a normal girl living a normal life, well as normal Hawkins gets. El knows that she has feelings for Mike even though she didn't knows what feelings were at all back then. But that all changed the night Mike kissed her for the first time and she saved her friends and Mike from the demogorgon. Saying goodbye to Mike was the hardest thing she has ever done and that's saying a lot because she closed the gate to an alternate dimension. Being apart from Mike for all those days, three hundred and fifty three to be exact, was torture. She just wanted to see him and be with him. So when she returned back to Hawkins and seen Mike it was like she was back in the rain in the woods all cold and seeing him for the first time again. Being back in his arms made her realize home isn't a place or a house. It's a person. And her home is Michael Wheeler. So with her next words they both knew.

"I Love You Too"

"You do?"

"Girlfriends don't lie."

Boyfriends don't lie either."

So with that Mike leans in and kisses El and she kisses back and they felt the butterflies all over again that would never stop.

Hi this was my first One Shot Book I hope you like it<3

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