here wear my shirt

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(lowercase intended) 

the party had just finished swimming in the hawkins public pool, they were drying off and el seemed to have forgot her towel. she looks down and hugs herself not wanting people to stare at her, but mike notices her change in behavior right away

"el? what's wrong?" mike asks as he puts his towel around his waist and walks up to her lifting her chin up so she can see him

"i-i forgot my" she says shyly looking into his dark chocolate brown eyes that you wouldn't mind getting lost in

"oh" mike looks around and sees people staring at her, his breathing starts getting heavier he clenches his hands into fists so much that his veins are very visible,  his eyes get filled with rage as someone winked at her....he was getting jealous.

"mike..." she looks up at him seeing him stare down some boy that was walking around the pool his eyes on el- mikes. el.

"hmm?" he doesn't take his eyes off of him watching his every move he makes to make sure he won't get close to his girlfriend. she holds his face in her hands making him look at her

"hey mike... it's okay don't get upset over it, im not going anywhere i promise."

that word made him ease down a little bit but that boy was testing wheeler's nerves

the party was watching the whole thing dustin betting lucas that mike would (key word) try and kick his ass if he steps close to el, will watching mike very carefully seeing his body tense and his eyes get filled with jealousy, max rolling her eyes at the kid who thinks he can try and get el's attention, because everyone knows. eleven hopper is michael wheeler's girlfriend.

el was still standing there in her blue one piece while she shivers from the cold water dripping on her soft olive skin as mike stares at the boy and wraps his arms around el showing the boy el is his.

"mike... i still need a towel" she whispers as she still shakes from pool water they were all in not too long ago

"how about something better than a towel?" he says as he finally looks at her with a soft smile, she nods just wanting to dry off and go back to mike's

mike takes her hand and bring her to his backpack he pulls out his dark green, light blue, and yellow striped shirt, he hands it to her with a shy smile

"here wear my shirt"

she feels her cheeks get hot and her stomach do flips, she remembers the first time she wore his clothes. it was when they found her and he gave her a home. he gave her friendship. he gave her trust and care. and most importantly...he gave her love.

she smiles and takes the shirt slipping it on a little dryer now from the sun, his shirt was big on her since he's so tall and she's shorter than him, but she loved it even more it looked like a dress on her

mike smiles and blushes seeing her wearing his shirt, her smile so radiant the suns jealous. god she's just so perfect he can't believe she's even real

"is that better?" he asks with a smile on his constellation of freckled face, cheekbones sculpted by the gods and jaw that could easily cut you.

"yes. thank you mike" she says softly hugging him as he returned the hug without a second thought, he kisses her head smiling into her golden locks

"you should wear my clothes more often, you look adorable in them el..." he says sweetly as she giggles

the party watches them, dustin wanting to tease the living hell out of how red mike's cheeks got and how dilated his pupils got- seriously you can tell where the iris starts and ends. lucas shaking his head smiling at the dorky couple it was just like when they first knew her, when she stepped out of the bathroom and mike's whole world stopped and he felt something he never had before. will rolling his eyes at how lovey dovey they are, and max as she had lucas's arm around her, was winking-smirking at the boy who thought he could have a chance with el- ha funny!

"let's go home now okay?" mike says grabbing el's hand intertwining their fingers together as he grabs his bag

"yeah" el says as she feels the butterflies in her stomach  do more damage than a volcano could ever do

they walk out hand in hand with beaming smiles on their faces as mike steals a kiss from her quickly as she looks up at him

"we're so gonna tease them later right?" dustin says as they watch the happy couple get on their bikes and exit the pool


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