i love you wheeler.

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(lower case intended...get tissues.)

it's 1987 mike and eleven were now older, but still the cute soft couple they have always been.

yes the evil was still in hawkins and worse than ever, eleven has to stop it but mike's not letting her go alone.

"el no you're not leaving alone!" a now older michael wheeler says grabbing onto his girlfriends arm

"mike i have to. if i don't what's gonna happen? i don't want you dying"

"what makes you think im gonna die el? i just don't want you going alone, it's bad out there worse than before" mike was always worried about her always has been and he can never lose her.

"i know it is that's why you need to stay here." she was also always worried about mike, her powers have been getting weak lately..and she can't have him be in the way and not be safe

"please." he looked at her and gave her those eyes that they both knew they couldn't turn down

"alright fine...just please be careful mike" she says as she stands on her tippy toes due to their major height difference-she only comes to below his heart, she reaches her hands out and holds his face in her hands running her thumb over his freckles that she has counted for so many years

he puts his much larger hands over her small ones "ill be okay el i promise."

"promise.." her eyes were watering she couldn't imagine losing mike

"promise." mike takes her hands and brings them to his shoulders and he kisses her his arm sliding down hers a little before going up and cupping the back of her head

it was a little rough but still soft it had so much emotion in it that they were too scared to break apart

but once they heard that blood curling scream
they knew it was time..so with a loud break apart of their lips they took each other's hand and went to kill this evil once and for all.

mike could tell el was nervous her tight grip on his hand, her shaky state, the biting of her lip..he just knew, so he squeezes her hand sending her a smile telling her it'll be okay

after walking hand and hand to the evil that lurked in hawkins they made it-same place they met...the woods on mirkwood.

el was looking around everywhere she knew it was out there lurking for a new victim.

"el!" mike screams as the new threat appears out of the dark shadows

"mike!" el runs towards him and grabs his hand as she used her powers putting her other hand up sending it her stare as the infamous blood trickled slowly down her nose

she felt her right hand empty and seen mike nowhere near her

she panicked "mike..mike?! mike!!" as she was killing this monster she seen something that killed her


with a loud snap, both hands now up, eleven levitating, and scream that could shatter the earth the monster soon disappeared into nothing.

she fell down on the dirt of the ground..dizzy and tired, her nose both nostrils bloody, her ears, her eyes bloodshot, her face a pale green..she looked up and seen mike holding his stomach in pain dropping to the ground with a loud scream


she runs to him putting his head in her lap as both of her hands were on top of his trying to stop the blood from pouring out

"e-e..e-el" mike barley says his voice going away barley breathing eyes wanting to close but he can't-he can't leave her.

"m-m-mi-m-mik-mike y-y-your-you're go-going to be o-o-okay" she was sobbing her tears falling rapidly on his skin

"i-i-im s-sor-sorry"

no no no stop he's going to be okay

"n-n-no mi-mike you're g-going t-to be okay..i-im going t-to take you h-home, r-r-remember your p-pr-promise mike." she was trying so hard to make this stop make him okay but she was losing him


mike and el were cuddling in her room holding each other close as possible laughing and smiling being the goofy couple they are

"im gonna marry you one day el and that's a promise." mike randomly says


"i will when we get older i will get on one knee and show you a ring that cost a shit ton of money, but it's okay because it's for you..."

el was smiling shyly as mike gushed about asking her to be his wife

"...you would look so beautiful more than you already are in a white dress walking down the aisle while im practically screaming at myself on how i found someone so beautiful to be mine..."

she started tearing up a little with a lovesick smile on her beautiful face

"..oh! and oh man when they finally pronounce you as mrs. wheeler..baby it'll be over for me i won't be able to stop smiling and kissing you..and you know what comes after the wedding?" mike wiggles his eyebrows, el knew about this stuff now

"michael wheeler you are such a boy!" she laughs hitting him with a pillow

"hey what's wrong with wanting to start a family with the only girl i love?"

"..i love you wheeler."

"and i love you cant wait to be wheeler."
he takes her face in his hands and kisses her a promise in this kiss. a promise of getting married, starting a family, growing old together..

too bad they can't keep that promise.

"m-mike w-where gonna g-g-get m-married..i-i-ill be t-the one in white..y-y-you-you'll be w-wa-waiting f-for me a-at the end..w-we-well have a f-f-family..g-gr-grow o-old together."

mike was slipping away he can't believe he doesn't get to live his dream. seeing her in white looking beautiful as always. getting to call her 'wheeler', being a family...it's all disappearing like him

"e-e-el i-i-i lov-love you." he felt the air slipping out of his body slowly as he looked at the girl he fell in love with at just twelve years old.

"y-y-yo-you're b-be-beaut-iful wheeler." he shakily brought his bloody hand up and cupped her face as tears fell out of his eyes

"m-m-mi-mike i-i can't lose you."

"i-im s-sorry t-this i-is t-th-the only p-pr-promise i c-couldn't k-keep..."

she leans down and kisses him holding his face in her hands as their lips smash together in a kiss that held everything they feel for each other, all the hugs and cuddles, play fights, arguments, jealous moments...all the promises kept floating in the air and dissolving same with her heart at this moment

she pulls away as he was barley kissing back how badly he wanted to, how badly he wanted to smash his lips on hers in a forever kiss...but he simply couldn't.

"i-i-i love you m-mic-michael w-wheeler."

he smiled as his eyes were closing

"i love y-you el."

his eyes closed, his breathing stopped, his heart stopped beating, his face was paler than normal...

he was gone.

"mi-mike? m-m-mike?! mike! m-mike wake up!!"

she sobbed her face in his chest, his lifeless body in her lap as she cried and cried holding him

"m-m-mike i-im sorry!! i-i couldn't s-save you!!" she screamed out in the woods her voice cracking, and breaking as she spoke her sobs getting in the way

"i-i love you wheeler."

i was just in such a sad mood and this happened
don't worry i was fucking bawling my eyes out making this..so im sorry but yeah MORE SOFT HAPPY ONES SOON!

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