cuddling you because i missed you

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(lowercase intended)

mike was sitting in his room-you know because wErE nOt KiDs AnYmOrE. yeah that, anyways he was in his room surprisingly reading a book before he got a knock at his door. 

*knock knock*

"who is it?"


with that mike gets up super sonic fast-maybe even got a little dizzy just to see his el.

he opens the door and sees el, his el. in a beautiful colorful outfit. black, but with yellow, pink, blue, red, white maybe some purple. she looked like a ray of sunshine with her smile that she only gets around him.

"hey el!" mike says happily he hasn't seen her all day because max wanted to take her to the mall, mike was unsure and very skeptical but lucas said it would be fine, and it is because his el is home.

"hi mike! oh that big place, with a lot of little humans and big humans was so amazing!"

mike smiles seeing el become happy over something a regular teen should, made him so happy she never had a childhood-unless you count being locked in a lab, as a rat for a despicable man that used kids for his own little science experiments, then no. she's never had a childhood. mike was the one who showed her what it was like to be a regular kid-sorry TEEN. she was so excited when she was able to go outside, with the permission from hopper of course, to be with the party and be a normal teen.

"huh, looks like you really liked it?"

"oh yes it was pretty good"

mike chuckles and gets a little embarrassed at her choice of words, the words he said to her in the bathroom when they were gonna have their kiss before dustin ruined it. after he told her she didn't need that wig to be pretty, because she always was.

"i bet, so what did you guys do?"

mike takes her hand and sits her on his bed as he wraps his arms around her cuddling her because he missed her and the guys won't make fun of them

"what are you doing?" el says giggling as mike cuddles her nestling his head in her neck to get that wonderful eggo and whipped cream scent that is his el.

"cuddling you because i missed you"

"anyway what did you and max do at the mall?"

"we walked around and she showed me some? what are they called the little like homes? in the big place?" she looks at mike a little embarrassed because she can't remember the name of what max told her what they were

"stores?" mike says questionably

"oh yes! s-stores. yes. that's what she called them" her eyes burst with joy once he helped her remember what they were

"yeah stores can be cool, i personally like the one that sells striped shirts" she says smugly because that's all he wears

"o....old n-navy?"

"yes! correct el! look at you!" mike says with joy kissing her cheek multiple times so incredibly proud of her

she blushes hiding her face with her tiny hands that are the perfect size for mike's slightly larger ones

"what did you do while i was gone?"

mike scoffs "read"

"wow my mike reading a book?"

"oh shush it eleven"

she smiles and stares at his chocolate eyes that can be so sweet when he's around her, they always change when he's around different people.

when he's around her you can't see where his iris starts and pupil ends, she likes to think of them as the wheeler heart eyes, because that's all his eyes turn into when he's around her, or just hears her laugh, or her name.

when he's around the boys they are fun and playful- don't listen to his not kids anymore garbage, because michael wheeler is and will always be a kid. his eyes just have that adventure and mischief that could be a fun day to go explore but leads into danger.

when he's around his parents or nancy their more boring but still beautiful in their dark chocolate hot cocoa brown way, but they just don't have that spark...they're just eyes.

she lays her head on his shoulder fully engulfed in his scent of old board games and a very good smelling laundry detergent.

mike smiles holding her not wanting to let go even if the boys or hopp- okay maybe he would let go if it was hopper, but he just loves spending his time with her it's the best part of his days and nights.

"so what did you read a nerdy comic or?-"


yes hello i have risen from the dead and wrote this because i was in a cuddle mood with mileven hope you enjoy it <3

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