happy valentines day

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(lowercase intended)

it was valentine's day and michael wheeler was nervous.. today was gonna be his first valentine's day with el as his girlfriend. he was overthinking as usual

"what if she doesn't like it? what if she laughs in my face because it's stupid? what if im making a fool of myself by doing this—"

"mike!" lucas yells rubbing his temples. mike has been going on about this for almost two hours now and his bestfriend was starting to get a headache

mike stops talking and pacing and looks at lucas "what?"

"chill, i feel like my heads gonna explode"

the tall boy sighs and sits down on the couch in the basement "sorry.."

mike just wanted this to be perfect. i mean.. he really really cares about el.. and he likes having her around.. a lot. but he was nervous, he didn't know what she would think about it..

"dude she's gonna love it, it's el were talking about she loves anything that comes from you"

"how are you so sure about that?" mike asks not convinced while he bounces his leg, something he does when he's nervous

"are you kidding me? mike she's practically attached to you at the hip...and the lips-"

"lucas!" mike says throwing a pillow at him which he dodges

"hey! im just saying...she's gonna love it. don't overthink so much about it, just go there and let it all happen naturally"

mike calmed down at his words, he contemplated it before standing up "im gonna do it"

lucas sighs in relief "thank god, man i love you but if i had to listen to you ramble for much longer i would gladly cut my own ears off"

"harsh... but understandable"

they share a laugh and pat each other's back for good luck and then mike was off to els house


el was listening to the playlist mike made her while she drew with the crayons will let her borrow. currently listing to forever young by alphaville

what was once a blank white piece of paper was now a colorful rainbow with hearts and her boyfriend's name written all over

she smiled with a blush once she finished and hung it up on her wall right next to the other drawings she's done. she really likes to just let her imagination run wild and draw whatever comes to mind

she went back to her bed and started drawing again while her radio played a new song. heaven by bryan adams, she started humming to it and bopping her head to the beat

you may think el didn't know what today was but she knew. she was so excited and anxious about it. she wanted to see mike like she does every day but he usually doesn't come see her until after school.

well she didn't know the day mike had planned

she also didn't know that the only boy she was thinking about was skipping school today just so he can spend the whole day with her


mike got on his bike with everything in motion thanks to lucas helping before he went to school

the tall boy biked to his girlfriends cabin in the woods. see mike had this day planned for a while actually.. he made sure that hopper was at work, that he faked being sick so he can stay home and then sneak out and head over to el

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