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(lowercase intended)

"where are you taking me?" el giggles as her husband mike holds her hand as they walk through the woods

"just a little further" mike says as he takes a glance back at his wife

yes you heard correctly, husband and wife. right after high school, and a huge talk with hopper, mike finally got hoppers okay. man that day he was so happy. he saw her and immediately gave her a huge hug, this wasn't weird for them since they always give each other affection. but just the look in his eyes made el's cheeks heat up eleven times more than usual. god he is so in love.

when they were 20 mike popped the question. he didn't wanna wait any longer. he wanted her to be his forever. she wanted the same thing. even if she didn't know what love was back then-she didn't even know what friend meant- but mike. mike wheeler showed her both of those. he showed her what a friend is.

"what is friend?.."
"a friend is..someone that you'd do anything for, yeah you lend them your cool stuff like comic books, and trading cards-and they never break a promise. that's super important, because friends...they tell each other things....things that parents don't know."

ever since that day she knew what a friend was. a friend is michael wheeler.

"how much longer?" she asks tugging on his hand

"not too much maybe only...five more minutes"

she nods and they continued walking

and he was right five minutes later they stopped at a tree

"mike where are we?" she asked looking around

"do you not recognize it?" he said pulling her closer to him

she looked around and thought hard

and then it hit her

"a-are we..at our tree?" she asked with soft eyes

he smiled goofily "yes we are"

she let out a little giggle "you brought us all the way here?"

"well i had to, even though i'm freezing my ass off-"

"mike! watch your language, i don't need the baby hearing your foul mouth" she says covering her belly with her hands

he laughs "i'm sorry"

he bends down so he's level with her belly, he he moves her hands holding them in his own and presses a gentle kiss on the home of his baby

"and i'm sorry too" another small kiss

he stands up and looks at her "better?"


they both smile and look at the tree

el+mike 11/07/83  was carved in the bark

when they were fifteen after leaving the party because she had 'curfew' they stopped by this tree and carved their initials on it

el thought she was gonna get in trouble but mike reassured her it was okay

she walks up to the tree and outlines her slanted 'e' she was just learning how to write back then so her handwriting was a bit wonky, but mike always said it was the cutest handwriting he's ever seen. so to this today she never really tries to make it look nice

"remember we carved this before going back to the cabin to make out"

she widens her eyes, mike never really had a filter. he would say whatever came to his mind. he was a little bold with his words, so she always had to make sure he was careful around hopper

"yes mike i remember" she giggles with a pink hue to her cheeks

"god that was so funny we left the party telling them you had a curfew just because you just wanted to kiss my lips agai-"

"okay mike i get it" her cheeks were even redder if that was even possible

he laughs and hugs her fr behind, setting his hands on her belly

"don't worry we've done worse"

she felt her face go as red as a tomato and she turned around playfully hitting his chest "michael wheeler!"

he shielded himself from her little hits, whenever they would play fight she'd never actually hurt him, he knows she can with the snap of her neck, but she would never hurt him

"ow! ow! h-hey! hey stop it!" he says jokingly, he laughs and holds her arms down attacking the side of her face and neck in kisses

she laughs moving around trying to get out of his grip

"okay o-okay i surrender!" she laughs with a huge smile only mike has ever been able to get out of her

he stops after placing a quick kiss on her lips, she huffs with a smile and they look at the tree again

"do you remember where this tree is at?" he asks her


"it's right where we met, just a little to the left and this spot! right here-right here is where i was standing" he ran over to the spot right in the middle of the woods, where he stood on november 7, 1983.

she laughs at his goofiness "and it's right here" she stands in her spot, three feet away from him

"it was pouring rain and my dumbass forgot to bring my raincoat" mike says laughing

"well i was in a dirty benny's burgers t shirt"

"i know i saw you and.. i-i really didn't know what that weird feeling in my chest was, i just-you we're right in front of me—a girl iv'e never seen before and i was drawn to you"

she looks down at the snow that covered the ground, she always got shy when he talked about her like that, like she's the only girl in the world

"i saw you and i knew i had to protect you. you looked so scared, a-and cold, nervous, shaky..there was no way i was leaving you out here by yourself. that just-that wasn't possible"

she looks up and sees he's now right in front of her

"i fell in love with you the moment i laid eyes on you."

she lets out a breath with a tiny smile "really?"

"yeah really, the guys would always tease me at school about you and my face would go so red—like hoppers that one night"

she giggles "a fat tomato"

"yeah a hugeeee tomato"


"sorry-sorry" he laughs

"anyways, i brought you here today because it's our anniversary. our anniversary of the day we met"

"i didn't think you'd remember.."

"el are you kidding?! iv'e had this date circled, underlined, highlighted in the calendar"

she giggles again "you're such a nerd"

"but i'm you're nerd forever!" he lifts up her hand that shows the ring that never once left her finger after he slipped it on her

"yeah yeah how will this baby survive with you as the father?"

"same thing you do" he says hugging her "deal with it" he laughs peppering kisses on her cheeks

she gives him a few kisses "i love you."

"i love you too." and then they share a kiss right by the tree they carved into when they teenagers. now kissing under the tree as adults. as husband and wife. as soon to be parents.

as soulmates.

happy mileven day! i wanted to write something cute today about them since it is their day, i hope you liked it! and im sorry for not posting in so long..i lost my grandma..she was my bestfriend. the closest person i had. she took care of me when my mom didn't want to, so it was just really really hard, it still is but i'm getting better, thank you for all the comments and votes, love you guys

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