you dont know who i am

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(lowercase intended)

"el! el it's me-i-it's mike!" you may be wondering what's happening...mike's worst nightmare is happening...

it all started with el going missing. it was a late fall night, el was home alone.

the wind was picking up and it was getting colder. she kept hearing noises outside like cars? and footsteps? but she stayed quiet and turned off all the lights with her powers so whoever it was would think no one was home.

but that was not the case.

the door broke down and there he was. the man who took the life away from her. the man who used her as his own science experiment. papa.

she froze. not being able to move no matter how hard she tried.

they had got her.

as she was lifted up on papas shoulder she seen the other lab workers putting the door back on it's hinges so it looked like nothing happened.

she was taken somewhere she hasn't been before. she's never seen this was worn down and dirty and it gave her the creeps. she was in papas arms again, too scared, too weak to move.

he walked her to a dark room and set her down. strapping her in a chair tightly so she can't move.

"eleven..." he whispers as he holds the side of her face on his hands

"eleven wake up"

she stirred and slowly opened her eyes "...p-papa?"

he smiles. that evil smile that terrified her so much. the smile she could still see in her sleep.

"yes. yes it's me your're back home now.."

she froze again at that statement. home? no no no this ain't her home. her homes with hopper and mike and her friends.

"no." she says

he laughs a bastard grin on his old face "i was afraid you would say that.."

her eyes widen once she sees something move in the corner and then it all went black.


mike had this feeling that something wasn't right. there was an erie feeling in the air and he didn't like it. not one fucking bit.

he was knocking harshly on the cabin door "el?! el open up please!" he started pacing. he went around the side of the cabin-something he would do when hopper didn't let him in, and went to els window that she had open most of the time. he climbs inside stumbling over his own feet and falling.


he groaned standing up and brushing himself off. he looked around her room not seeing her at all.


he walks out and into the living room. the house was dead silent. it looked like it always had. cigarette ashes on the table and in the ash try. the tv on but no sound. half eaten eggo waffles on the coffee table.

it looked normal.

but mike knew it was far from normal.



she woke up to a pain in her head and neck. she tried standing up but she felt too weak. she immediately collapsed back down with a loud scream.

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