8. Meltdown

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It's been three days I am living with Rachel's family, so far they are very good to me. She works as a nurse in a nearby hospital so I help her with taking care of Noah while she is away. It makes me feel a little good about being a burden on her when I help her with something. I haven't met her husband yet as he often comes late and leave early. Yesterday I heard some yelling from their room and they were fighting over something then I heard a knock on my door it was Noah he got scared due to the fight. He told me that this happens often and he would always get scared. He slept with me yesterday. Today is sunday and Rachel and her husband both are at home, I went downstairs for breakfast and I found three of them sitting on the table. I greeted them

"Good morning" Rachel and Noah smiled at me and greeted me back whereas her husband was eyeing me from top to bottom as if I am a piece of meat. I felt so uncomfortable due to his gaze, I looked at Rachel who was busy feeding Noah so she didn't notice her husband's antics. I sat down beside Noah, it was a round table with four chairs around it so I was sitting beside him as it was the only empty chair, I filled my plate with a toast.

"So you are Alzena who is living in our home" he started and I just nods.

"It's Ethan" he said pulling out his hand to me for a hand shake, I contemplated for a second and I noticed Rachel's attention was now on us. I took his hand reluctantly, he squeezed my hand a little too tightly. I felt so uncomfortable at the moment I pulled out my hand out of his grip instantly and stood up from my chair, I turned towards Rachel.

"Rachel I am going out to check for the Cafe you mentioned that is hiring a waitress, may be I would be lucky" I said

"Good luck with that" she smiled at me. Then I went out with my wallet and my phone. I have money but it's not much I haven't been able to get the money out of bank because of the sudden exit and now I am penniless. I have few dollars with me I don't know if Rachel wouldn't be there for me what would I have done. I changed my sim card so no one can trace me. I start walking towards the Cafe Rachel told me about it's few blocks away from her home and it took me just 10 minutes to reach there, I memorized the way back home so I won't get lost.

I entered inside the Cafe and it was so beautiful from inside small and cozy, I went to counter to see an elderly lady standing behind it.

"Hello" I greeted her.

"Hello! How can I help you with?" She asked with a smile. She seemed kind!

"Are you still hiring for the waitress position" I asked her and her face fell for a second.

"Oh I am sorry sweetie that position has been filled just an hour ago, you are a little late" she told me with a sorry face.

"Oh" was the only thing I said. I felt so disappointed at the moment may be because I have never faced rejection in my life, it's the first time where I had to face something like that.

"So sorry sweetie but you can give me your number If I ever need anyone I will call you up" she said and I gave her my number, she also offered me coffee probably pitying me to which I declines and made my way towards Rachel's place.

When I reached there I saw Rachel's car was not here then I remembered her telling me that she has to go to a birthday party of her colleague's daughter, she and Noah must have gone there. I picked the key from under the Matt, she told me that she keep it there. I opened the door and went inside the kitchen to drink some water but I found Ethan sitting there working on his laptop. He looked at me with an unknown emotion.

"How did it go?" He asked with interest.

"Umm .. not good" I told him and went to the fridge I pulled out a water bottle out and took a glass to pour some water in it as I took a sip of water, I felt a presence behind and it's way too close for my comfort. I stilled at my place in panic, and can feel his breath on the back of neck.

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