29. A gift

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She came out of the room arms in arms with Aaron, I was fuming with anger at the sight. They were talking about something Aaron had a serious face and he was glancing ahead. Carol on the other hand was glued to his side and was telling him something to which he was only nodding.

It was enough for me, if he likes me he shouldn't let her touch him but he is letting her do whatever she wants. I walked towards the stairs planning on crying and screaming in my room but Carol saw me and she called me.

"Oh you are here" she said with a smirk. When Aaron heard her he also looked towards me. When he saw me in anger he frowned and was about to say something when she spoke up before him.

"What happened? You seem to be in a bad mood?" She asked feigning innocence and I so want to beat her to pulp but my hands are tied.

"Yeah because I saw something very ugly and now I am in a sour mood" I glared at her and then at her hands that were around Aaron's arm. Aaron tried to move away from her but she wasn't having it.

"Are you coming to Aaron's album release party?" I wasn't told about it, I looked at Aaron in accusing tone that he didn't tell me about it.

"Don't worry you are invited, you will come right?" She asked me in a teasing tone.

"Fuck off" I cursed at her and ran upstairs towards my room. I have never cursed at someone ever but she was testing my patience. I hate her and I have only met her twice!

I locked my door as angry tears were running down my cheeks. This happens with me when I am angry I start crying. I thought today would be a good day bit no she has to come and destroy it for me. After some time I heard Anna knocking on my door calling me for lunch.

"I am not hungry" I told her without opening the door.

"Are you okay?" She asked me with concern.

"Leave me alone Anna" I said. She stood there for sometime then I heard her footsteps going away telling me that she has gone.

I spend my whole evening locked up in the room at some point I slept off but a firm knock woke me up.

"Alzena it's me, open the door" he said softly but I scoffed at him. Finally he remembered about my existence but I not going to talk to him.

"Are you angry with me?" He asked after sometime.

"Please say something" he said in a small voice.

"I didn't tell you about tomorrow because I wanted to surprise you. Our song is going to be played there and I wanted to do something special for you but Carol..." He stopped after that.

Oh. So he wanted to do something special for me and that Carol destroyed it for us but still he told her before me.

"I am sorry" he apologized. When I didn't say anything he sighed and was about to move away when he stopped.

"At least eat something, you haven't eaten anything since breakfast" he said almost in a pleading way.

"I will be waiting for you on the dining table" he said and then left. I stood from the bed and went to wash my face. I open my closet and picked the small box. When I bought things for everyone, I bought something for him too. I have given everyone their gifts only Aaron's left. I went out of the room to the dining table.

When he saw me he smiled relieved. I sat in front of him on my chair. I put the box in front of me.

"That's for you" I said and start eating my food when Anna filled my plate. I thanked her before eating. He seems shocked and was staring at the box, then he held it in his arm.

"You bought it for me?" He asked me still unsure and I can also see a glint of happiness in his eyes. I nod.

He opened the box and their was a watch inside. It was very expensive it cost me half of the money that I have. But when I saw the only persona that came to my mind was him. It seems like this watch only belongs to him.

"It's beautiful" he grinned happily and I felt relieved that he liked it. A small smile also came on my face on seeing him happy.

"Thank you" he thanked me and I only shrugged in return.

"I am sorry Alzena, I promise I really wanted to surprise you that's why I didn't tell you. And about Carol, Mason told her" he told me.

I am not angry at that anymore It's just that I am jealous of her. She makes me insecure, she is beautiful and is also a celebrity. They also look good together and I think that she likes him too. All these things are messing with my mind. But seeing Aaron like this I don't want to be angry anymore. Its not his fault that she is being a bi...!

"It's okay" I smiled at him and he sighed in relief.

"You gave me a gift now I also have to give you something" he said.

"No it's not necessary, I bought gifts for everyone as it was my first pay. I wanted to share my happiness with everyone" I told him.

"What do you want a dress, shoes..? Wait let's go shopping. I will buy you everything you want" he said standing up from the chair.

"No I don't want any of that, I have plenty of them" I told him. He doesn't have to buy me anything.

"But I want to give you something" he said in his deep voice.

"Then give me something meaningful that will always remind me of you" I said with a smile. He thought for sometime as if contemplating my words then he removed his locket from his neck. The same necklace that he always wear, it has a big A letter with small diamonds carved on it.

"Here, this is the first thing I bought for myself with my first pay" he smiled at it reminiscing the moment.

"No this is something very important to you, I can't take it" I refused.

"But you said yourself to give you something meaningful that will always remind you of me. What's better than this?" He said and came towards me. He put the neck chain around my neck.

"Here like that, it looks much better on you anyways" he laughed lightly.

"But.." I started again bit he shushed my putting his finger on my lips.

"Please protect it for me" he said with a smile.

"Fine" I grumbles. Then I caressed the A initial with my hands and smiled. He gave me something very close to him. I will always keep it with me.

"Thank you" I said at last.

"You are coming tomorrow with me be ready by 6 pm, we will leave together" he told me and I nods excitedly.

I hope tomorrow turns out to be the best day of my life but there is this feeling that something is going to be wrong. I pushed that feeling at the back of my mind.

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