9. Rules

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After having a much needed sleep and eating something before sleeping I awoke at 7 in the evening. I changed into some comfortable clothes sweatpant and sweat shirt after taking a long relaxing bath. I was fresh now and had totally forgot about everything until I saw several missed calls from Rachel. Oh she must be worried for me! But I can't tell her, I don't know whether she would believe me so I won't talk to her. I will just text her that I found a place to live.

After thanking her for her help I went outside the room to explore the place. It was so huge I think I will get lost here. My room was in a large hallway with several rooms in it. Somehow I found the staircase and went downstairs, on the opposite side of living room there is a kitchen, it has a double door on it which is opened that's why I can tell it's a kitchen and let me tell you I have never seen a kitchen like this so big, clean and... expensive may be only in TV shows but they also don't match to this level. I saw Rosie and two other maids working in the kitchen when she saw me standing on the door she smiled at me.

"Oh you are awake. Come inside" she said politely so I moved inside giving her a little smile of mine. She introduced me to two other maids one of which was 37 the head chef Miranda and the other one her helper 26 years old Anna. They all seemed nice and kind.

"Come I will show you the mansion" Rosie said moving out of the kitchen and I followed her like an obedient child which I am not. She showed me different rooms on the ground floor a living room where we were before in the morning, big gym, theater room, a studio room but she told me to never go in there without Aaron's permission no one is allowed to go there. There was a big library too which seems like a heaven to me there were all sorts of books from historical to fiction to autobiographies and what not. I wanted to stay there for long but Rosie said I can come back here later after looking around the rest of the house. Then we went out of the back door to see a beautiful garden but there were only 2 to 3 types of flowers Rose, lillies and poppy flower. It looked beautiful but it could look more beautiful than that. There was also a swimming pool but I think I have to stay away from it as I don't know how to swim.

"This is it, you have already seen upstairs, the room with double doors beside yours is Aaron's room and the rest are guest rooms.

"What so no one live upstairs apart from me and him?" I asked her.

"Yes we live in servant quarters which are 5 minutes away from the mansion" she told me.

"Oh" I said and then I thought

"But shouldn't I also live in servant quarters as I am also a maid here" I said trying to not pay attention to the maid word, I am a princess in my town and here I am nothing but a maid.

"You are a personal maid to Aaron and he can call you anytime he wants so you should live close to his room so that if he ever needs you it won't be a problem" she told me.

"Oh .. okay" I said.

"Do you know what I have to do for him? Beacuse I can't cook, clean or do laundry or any of that stuff which maids do" I told her slightly embarassed, she looked at me with a little unhappy face then she realized something.

"Where do you live? You are from a rich family, right?" She said and I nod.

"I think so too" She sighed.

"Well then you have to learn everything" Aaron said from behind me and I turned around abruptly so he was listening to us all this time. He was standing on the back door.

"From tomorrow you will wake up at 6 in the morning then you will prepare my breakfast, after that you will clean my room, at 10 you will bring me snacks then at 1 you will make lunch for me and then you will wash my dirty clothes. And at 8 I want the dinner to be ready" he told me in one go and I stood their like a statue still stuck at the first sentence

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