Chapter⑧Good Time

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Suho's POV
It's so boring here in our house...I must call Hyerin..


Hyerin ♡ Do you wanna go out?It's been a while..My treat :P-me

Really oppa?Let's meet here in the Harmony Cafe.-her

You sound a bit sad....Are you alright?-me

Of course oppa!!I'm just...hungry?Hahahaha....Saranghae ♥-her

I love you too ♡-me

I went now to the cafe.I don't really mind about Chorong.She must have bought some maps.


Hyerin?Your early!Hahaha...You're really hungry.-me


We spent the whole time telling stories..Should I tell her about the arranged marriage?I think it's the right time to say it.

Hyerin,whatever happens...I still love you.-me

Oppa...what are you talking about?You're talking in a serious tone.Is there a big problem?-her

I'm going to be married on the day after tomorrow.But I won't end our relationship.But you see,it will be hard for the both of us.-me

H-Huh?But...You told me...-her

She started crying.I don't wanna hurt her.What is the right thing to do?

I know...But can you be strong for oppa?-me

Of course!Fighting!-her

We ate our food silently.SUPER AWKWARD!

Luhan..We're here now..-me

This is your house?-him

Not really mine but I live with my aunt.-me

We went inside and I prepared some food.

Yah!Luhan!Do you still remember your promise to me?!-me

About marrying you?-him

Hahaha...We were still kids that time.-me

I'm serious about that.-him

Huh?You're being childish again.-me

I'm really gonna marry you.-him

L-Luhan...That's not possible..I'm gonna be married already.-me

He froze.I felt sad actually...But he tried to smile.

So who's the lucky guy?-him

He's NEVER LUCKY!Besides,I'll call him.I'll go upstairs.-me

I went inside his room.He's not here..
Well...I don't mind.

Luhan!He's not here..Well,someday you'll meet.-me

Can I visit your house tomorrow?I missed my bestfriend.-Luhan

Okay...I'll just text you my address..Bye!See you!Take care!-me

He sent me a flying kiss!I catched it ....Hehehe

Suho's POV
I went back to our house.A lot of things happened...:(

Suho!I have good news!-chorong

Really?I have bad news.I'm going now.-me

Yah!What's your problem!?We were fine a while ago!Besides,it's not my problem anymore.-her

Today was a bad day.I don't wanna be married yet...I can't believe our parents kept this as a secret.I was always grateful because Chorong's not my fiancee but then Mom told me the truth....IS ARRANGED MARRIAGE EVEN ALLOWED?!

It was night already....One day left...I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M DOING THIS!

Waaaaahhh!!I can't believe I saw Luhan...I didn't know that looking for someone was that easy!

I received a text from Luhan.

[Goodnight Chorongie!See you ♡ I love you ♥]

Hahaha....Luhan loves me!
But of course I know that he loves me as a friend..

[Good night Luhan ^_^ Love you too ^o^]

and the darkness took me away.

Chorong ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡

Haha....When will I ever have the courage to tell her?

I admit...I'm a weak guy.I'm weak at everything.

Actually,there's really something...
When I went to Chorong's house,I saw Suho's bag.But...Noooo..
Of course there are million's of bags like that...


but.....there's a possibility...
A possibility that Suho can be her fiance.


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