CHAPTER②⑨Eating Alone?

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SUHO'S POV 8:00 a.m.
I just thought of Chorong.I just want her to REALIZE what she did.

She's being mean!

CHORONG'S POV 8:00 a.m.
I was learning some dance here.It was a bit hard but I can still do it.My trainer was patient and kind.I'm lucky to have her!

(Timeskip...12:00 p.m.)

I went to Bomi.Her training room was on the other hallway.

I went to her.I want to eat my lunch with her!!

Bomi!Let's eat lunch together!Ooh...Where is your trainer?-me

Umm..Sorry Unnie but I had an early lunch today.My trainer just went to the restroom.-Bomi

I pouted...

Nevermind!I'll just eat in my practice room!Do well,Bomi!-me

Are you sure,unnie?-Bomi

Yah...I'm okay!Besides,I still have some things to think about!-me

I went to my practice room.My trainer ate outside.I don't even know anything about Japan...

I went outside since there's a near convenience store.Good thing I have those Japanese money..Hehe ^_^

I saw a food box containing some veggies,then chicken fillet,and some sauce....It looks yummy!!

I did not speak on the counter because I don't know how to speak...Aish!

I went to the practice room and started eating.Well,I was used in eating alone because I was a victim of bullying before.I had no friends.They always bullied me.I was a loner...But we should not bring back the past,right?

I decided to call my mom and dad.Mom and dad doesn't have skype...You know how old people live......



[Oohhhh...Chorong!How are you?]-Dad

(I'm fine Dad!Doing well...I'm here in Japan!I'm a trainee of CUBE Entertainment!)

[Waaaahhhhh!My daughter is really talented!Besides,what time is it there in Japan?]-Mom

(It's 12:15 p.m.)

[Did you eat your lunch already?]-Dad

(Not yet.I'm actually hungry because I was exhausted..)

[Aigoo!You should eat now!Sorry for making you hungry!Eat now!]-Mom

(Mom!I didn't mean that...I want to talk to you..)

[I understand you Chorongie.....But you should eat now!I can't let you continue your training if you're not gonna eat!I'll end the call now...Ok?Bye!I love you!Take Care always!]-Mom

[I miss you so much Chorong.....Take Care!Love you~]-Dad

[Love you too mom and dad.]

The call was ended.......Maybe I should eat..
Yeah~Loner Style!

But I can videocall Luhan,right?I messaged him first.

(Waaaahhh...Can I videocall you in Skype?)

[Sure!But you'll have to wait for a while..Talk to EXO first..We're on a recording~]

(Calling Luhan[Skype].....)

Suddenly,I saw Chanyeol on the screen.

Waaaaahhhhh~EXO is here!-me


Noona!How is it in Japan?Did you eat your lunch?-D.O.

D.O. as always....He always takes care of us......

I'm already eating it now!-me

Umm..Aren't you going to look for Suho?-Kris

Where is he?-me

Oh.He's over there,watching something.-Baekhyun

You miss him,huh?-Tao

I don't know what to say...These guys don't even know what's happening.

Yah!Stop asking questions like that!-Lay

I continued eating my lunch..

Noona....We're hungry!!~~Give us some!!-Baekhyun



Move Guys!It's my alone time with Chorong!-Luhan

Haha Luhan ^_^ Don't be like that!-me

But anyways...EXO didn't disturb us because Luhan shooed them away.

How are you?-Luhan


Are you still sad??-Luhan

I'm still sad but I should not think about it a lot..-me

Yah!That's My Chorong!-Luhan

Actually....I'm very very very SAD......I'm just that kind of person who's hiding her true feelings..I don't want Luhan to get sad because of me.....

Especially if they are the ones important to me......



Heloooo~~You must be mad at Hyerin..
I'm also mad at her,you know.....

But guys...


huehuehuehue....Some Chapters will be dramatic like OMG but I think it's gonna be lame because sometimes it's difficult for me to explain what I imagine in my head..

Besides..I don't really mean 'dramatic' but you know....I imagine a lot in my head even if I'm studying or eating...That's why I'm always out of this world.I really think about those dramatic things but later on,I forget some scenes so...yeah.But I'm curious(I'm a very curious person) so I took the test 'How Good Is Your Memory?'I got an 8/10 score and it says that I take notice of the small details....But the truth is...I cheated!hehehehehehehe I'm not surprised anymore.......I have that 7 second memory!!But I'm not that old!!Maybe because I just think of a lot of things....(Haha I'm adding a bit if drama on the author's note~~)

I hope that you're still holding on to my story.....Anyways,Thank You~~I'm really grateful!!

Have a nice day!파 이 팅~~♥ Fighting~~♥

Sorry for disturbing....Hehe ^_^ You may now read the next chapter.....

~from SWAG author~

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