Chapter④④Tears Again

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Did I hurt Chorong again?

What if she hurts herself again?

Oppa,Chorong deserves that so don't blame yourself.-Hyerin

Maybe Hyerin's right..

I don't know.

I have to face Luhan again tomorrow.

So...I'll go home now,okay?-Hyerin

Take care!Just call me when you need help!-Me


I'm here inside my room,absorbing everything.


Luhan has feelings for Chorong.

I knew it.

This day would happen.

For now,I only have Hyerin.I felt bad for Chorong.But she hurted Hyerin's feelings!

I'm really mad at Chorong right now.

I wish I didn't marry her in the first place.I should have stopped Mom.


I suddenly woke up.

Then I felt something wet on my cheeks.

Tears again.

I must be dreaming about bad things..

I went out to get a glass of water to calm myself.I'm so lucky because I have a one week break.

I went to Luhan's room.

It was clean and neat.Everything is arranged.He was sleeping peacefully.He really looks like an angel~I can say that he's more beautiful than me!He's a pretty boy^_^

I went near him.His room is so cold.He's actually wearing a sweater.

If Luhan wasn't there,Hyerin must be pulling my hair off.Suho must be hurting me.

If Luhan and I stayed longer there,Suho and my bestfriend must be punching each other.

But L-Luhan..

Has feelings for me..

I felt bad for him.

But what can I do?

Suho is still my husband and it's a sin to divorce someone.I know this is just an arranged marriage but I'm a wife so I should try to act like one.

But for now,I'm still weak.

What am I saying?I must be sleeping now.I have to gain some strength.I don't want my health to be affected.

C-Chorong?Why are you still awake?-Luhan

Sorry for barging into your room.I'm really really sorry..I won't enter it without your permission anymore.-me

It's okay.-Luhan

Oh.But I'm still sorry.-me

Do you need anything?Food?Water?-Luhan

I'm fine.I just woke up suddenly and I can't sleep.-me

Since you woke me up,do you want to eat a midnight snack?-Luhan

I'm not hungry.-me

You have to eat.-Luhan

This man is so annoying.Who cares?It's just a midnight snack!

Why do you keep on making me eat?-me

I want to see the old Chorong who loves to eat.-Luhan

Don't you remember?I'm a trainee!I can't eat a lot of food.-me

You can just exercise tomorrow.Besides,I don't want to eat alone.-Luhan

It's not easy to lose fat!But..Nevermind.-me


Her problems should not affect her health.That's why I'm making her eat.

What do you want?Spicy Rice Cake?Pork Buns(A/N LOL Xiumin~)?Ramen?-me

Hmmm..Maybe Ramen.-Chorong


Yah...I'm fine with Ramen.-Chorong

Okay^_^ -me

I took out 2 cup noodles.I prepared it for us.

Here's your ramen.It's ready.-me

Thanks^_^ -Chorong

Did you cry a while ago?-me

I'm just checking on Chorong.
She's actually sneezing right now.

No.I'm fi-Ow....My head is aching right now..-Chorong

Do you need water?-me

I'm fine.-Chorong

I finished mine in seconds while Chorong just finished half of it.

I'm going to go back.Thanks for the ramen^_^ -Chorong

Sweet Dreams~-me

You too.-Chorong


Poor Chorong..

Suho won't believe her..

That's not my problem anymore.She deserves to be hurt.Didn't her mom teach her to not mind other's businesses?

I texted Seungho.

(What are you doing?)

[I'm actually sleeping.You?]

(Thinking about you.)


(Goodnight.I gotta sleep.)

That was a bit awkward.

Seungho should be mine.

Why isn't he jealous?

I have to continue the plan.

Good thing,Chorong is out of our way.

I know I'm fake.


At least I'm doing this for a reason.

But I think I fell for Suho.

I have this 1% feeling everytime I'm with him.

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