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TODAY WAS THE FIRST DAY that tyler returned to school since the revelation of deante and andre's "situation", and coincidentally, it was also the first day that deante came back to school.

andre continued to come to school, because he had nothing to be embarrassed about. or in his own words, "why would i be embarrassed that i get good dick every day?"

it was to the chagrin of ken, though, because with both deante and tyler missing in action, andre had no choice but to harass ken instead, despite the fact that he has made it very clear that he isn't very fond of andre.

when tyler came back to school, he continued to avoid andre at all costs.

he knew that eventually he'd have to get over it. after all, andre was never his nigga, so it wasn't like he got cheated on or anything. it still hurt a lot though, because it wasn't a secret to anyone that he had a huge crush on him.

or at least, it wasn't a secret after tyler basically outed himself to the entire groupchat.

he really shouldn't have done that.

to be fair, he was already emotional from the big reveal, and with jace continuing to provoke a reaction out of him, it was no wonder he basically blew up at him and exposed his crush on andre in the process.

nevertheless, he thought it'd be best for him to just stay away from andre for at least a couple of weeks. at least so he could nurse his own heartbreak without digging an even deeper hole for himself.

and so tyler avoided him all day. opting to hang out with namil, chris and david instead. they were his main friend group anyway. the group also included andre most of the time, but he also figured that tyler needed his space, and decided to leave tyler alone until he was ready to talk again.

that plan went smoothly, up until the end of the day.

tyler was leaving the restroom, walking up to the sink to wash his hands before leaving out, when he heard the large wooden door open and shut.

tyler looked to see who entered the bathroom, and of course. of course it was andre.


andre walked over to the sink as well, checking himself out in the mirror to make sure nothing was out of place as he always did.

"so..." andre spoke up, "how are you today?"

"alright," tyler spoke dryly, "you?"

the tension between the two was thicker than old grits. it felt so awkward on both ends to have such a stilted, non personal conversation when they were best friends. defaulting to small talk with the person you've been close to for four years stung, to say the least.

"i'm fine," andre responded robotically, "i'm glad you're back at school."

"why didn't you tell me?" tyler broke the small talk.

"tell you what?" andre raised an eyebrow, dumbfounded in what tyler was asking him.

jesus christ, he was even starting to act like deante too.

"about deante," tyler responded shakily, "listen, the fact that y'all are together, i'll get over it eventually. but the fact that you didn't tell me hurts me on another level. we're best friends, we're supposed to tell each other everything."

"because i knew it'd hurt you," andre answered. "i didn't want something like this to ruin our friendship because i...i love you tyler. i love you. and i didn't wanna lose you over this shit because i knew that if you knew shit would get weird. just like it is now."

tyler struggled to keep himself from crying. he and andre told each other they love each other all the time, because they did. but hearing it right now...just completely broke him.

"i love you too," tyler's voice cracked, "i love you so much."

andre noticed tyler on the brink of tears and pulled him into a hug. he couldn't just let him stand there and cry and just stare at him looking dumb.

"i love you tyler," the slightly taller boy repeated. "i never wanna lose you, i thought you hated me."

"you can never lose me," tyler spoke through his tears. "never ever ever. i'll always be here. i'll always love you andre."

the two stayed just like that for about the next five minutes. hugging each other and whispering "i love you" in a high school bathroom.

eventually, tyler was the first to pull away, leaving the bathroom without saying another word. he said all he had to say.

after tyler left, andre felt a gut-wrenching sensation in the heart of his chest, and started bawling.

he had already began to cry a little when he was hugging tyler, but now, he was full on ugly crying. tears, snot, sobbing, the whole works.

he had no idea why he was crying so hard. everything was okay, right? he made up with tyler, and they were back to being best friends, so why did he feel like he just got his heart gutted out from his chest?


after a particularly long day of school, tyler was finally home.

he noticed that his brother, steven got home before him, but he didn't put much thought into it. after all, he did spend about 10 minutes of his life pouring his heart out to andre in the bathroom of all places. steven probably got bored and walked home by himself.

while tyler did his homework, he couldn't help but notice the loud thuds and crashing noises coming from his younger brother's room.

tyler tried to ignore it, thinking that steven was probably just doing stupid shit as usual, but after one particularly loud thud, he got up from his desk and exited his room.

"niggas just be loud as hell for no reason," tyler mumbled under his breath as he walked through the hallway.

he swung steven's door open to tell him off, but nothing could've prepared him for what he just saw.

"can you sit yo black ass down? some of us are trying to— WHAT THE FUCK?"

the groupchat was certainly about to get interesting, to say the least.

1040 words

this lil tyler/andre/deante love triangle >>>>>>

and ben likes all three of them 🗿 i'd say foursome but my ass could barely write that threesome. nigga i can barely write a TWOSOME what the hell

just realized that both of my updates today consisted of tyler getting his heart broken in some way or another. oooh that's tuff

~ reese

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