forty seven

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IT WAS TEN O CLOCK AT NIGHT, just at ela's bedtime, and jace was still nowhere to be found.

namil didn't have a problem with watching ela for so long; he literally signed up for it, but he was starting to get worried about keandrian's condition.

he knew that if keandrian did not make it out of those hospital doors alive and well, that jace was going to sink further and further into his hole of depression, and well, that was a scary ass thought.

as much as namil hated to admit it, he cared a lot about jace.

how couldn't he? they were best friends ever since 5th grade. the fact that they hate each other now didn't really change the fact that they were an important part of each other's lives for a really long time.

he knew that deep down, the old jace that he knew and loved was in there. he's just been replaced with this wannabe hood nigga that nobody likes ever since high school started, and namil never knew why or what happened to him to make him change.

"milly, when is daddy getting home?" ela snapped him out of his thoughts, now dressed in a set of hello kitty pajamas that are definitely going to get stolen by andre.

"ion know, but he'll be home soon," namil answered, "now let's go to bed."

namil led her out from the bathroom and into her bedroom, all while she continued to chatter.

"did you know my daddy has a daddy too?" ela asked with enthusiasm.

"oh yeah?" namil pretended to be interested.

"kanny kan is my daddy's daddy. i be hearing him screaming his name and saying 'i'm gonna come daddy!', like come where?"

namil's jaw damn near hit the floor. he let out an awkward chuckle at ela's words, thinking "ain't no way" to himself.

"he means come to the store," namil lied, "kan was asking your dad if he wanted to come to the store with him."

ela didn't say anything back, she just made babbling noises with her mouth and did a cartwheel.

"c'mon you gotta get in bed," namil urged her, walking over to her bed with hello kitty sheets that were also soon going to become andre's property.

ela listened, following the tall boy over to her bed and getting in.

"milly can you read me a story?" ela asked, "daddy or kanny kan always read me stories before i go to bed."

"i can't read so ima just make up a story," namil lied for no reason, "is that okay?"

ela nodded. she didn't really care, as long as someone was telling her a story.

"once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a prince named dakota. dakota had everything he could ever want, and he lived a perfect life, but he was tired of living up to his family's expectations of being perfect and acting like a royal..."

ela followed along to his story, listening intently.

"one day, when he went out for a walk, he met a dirty homeless beggar named jace..."

𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐲 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡 ❥ 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢Where stories live. Discover now