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trigger warning! slight mentions of sexual assault. they're not detailed or anything because nigga wtf do i look like 😭 but what happened to ben is mentioned in this chapter, so read with caution

BENJAMIN EXPECTED THAT AFTER WHAT WENT DOWN in the group chat earlier that day, that deante would be over his place soon. he wouldn't even think to warn him; he'd just be there, in the hallway of his apartment building, knocking on his front door and immediately pulling him into his arms.

the low blow that che aimed at him bothered him more than he let on, although he kept a facade of being unbothered by it in the groupchat as to not let che think that he won or something.

it didn't bother him a whole lot, as in, he wasn't screaming and crying and having flashbacks to waking up alone and naked in a hotel room next to canyon with no memory of how he ended up there; but it still pretty much ruined his day.

jace was the first person to check on ben privately and make sure he was okay. seeing that jace was also a victim, he knew exactly how it felt to be in ben's shoes and he wanted to comfort him and reassure him.

which honestly, warmed ben's heart to see that jace of all people was so comforting and caring with him. he really came a long way from the person he used to be...

like clockwork, benjamin heard a series of knocks at his front door, followed with his phone lighting up with an instagram notification

open da dore

im outside

benjamin chuckled at deante's spelling mistake before doing what he was asked, opening the door and allowing his boyfriend entry into the apartment.

as soon as benjamin's eyes met deante's, the slightly taller man pulled his tiny boyfriend into his arms, closing the door behind him as he did so.

"i know you said you was fine, but i had to come over here," deante insisted, arms wrapped tightly around ben's waist.

ben buried his face in deante's neck, shutting his eyes and allowing himself to melt into his boyfriend's arms, resting in silence while he basked in deante's warmth. 

"you know what floor che stay on?" deante asked, remembering that che and benjamin shared the same apartment building, "i'm tryna see sum."

ben shook his head. "i aint ever went over his nasty ass house, no matter how many times he invited me. ion know where he stay. i be seeing his ugly ass in the patio all the time tho."

"hmph," deante responded, feeling disappointed that he couldn't trace che's whereabouts quicker and give him the beating he deserved.

"it's okay dee," ben reiterated, "he isn't worth the trouble, i promise."

deante huffed again, but didn't say anything more, he just continued to comfort ben and make him feel loved and safe and secure, the way he should always feel.

soon, they ended up in benjamin's bedroom, sprawled out in his full sized bed.

deante caressed ben's soft thighs gently while he left kisses along his neck, causing ben to let out a soft hum in satisfaction.

𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐲 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡 ❥ 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢Where stories live. Discover now