Chapter Nine

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This is a filler chapter! More Nehlia (Newt and Ophelia combined!) fluff! ❤🌹 Sorry it's a short chapter!

Avenseguim- charm an item to turn into a locating device to find someone or something.

The five apparated in the field next to Ophelia's cottage as they saw they weren't followed and for Ophelia, it was a sense of relief

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The five apparated in the field next to Ophelia's cottage as they saw they weren't followed and for Ophelia, it was a sense of relief. Her home was all she had left; until she found Luna again, her hope was her dragon was in the cottage but it was a small hope "Where are we?" Tina asked looking around in wonder. Ophelia immediately got defensive as she came up to Tina with her wand pointing to her "I will say this, if you tell anyone about this place, I will obliviate you myself..." Tina's face became incredibly scared nodding slightly. Newt raised a hand placing it on hers to get her to lower her wand and for a moment she refused but seeing the fear in Tina's eye told her that the brunette wouldn't say a word "This is my home and it's all I have left. Don't ruin it for me" she said softly as she lowered her wand.

Tina shrunk back next to Queenie who was busy making a flower crown from the wildflowers that were growing in the field

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Tina shrunk back next to Queenie who was busy making a flower crown from the wildflowers that were growing in the field. Ophelia smiled at her "Queenie.." she said softly as the blonde looked at her "Oh you won't have to worry about me!" she waved her off as she placed the flower crown on Jacob's head giggling. "Alright let's go," Ophelia said as she walked ahead of everyone but with Newt close behind her.

Inside Ophelia's cottage; everything looked the same, she had cast a spell to have the fireplace going as she turned to the group "I suggest we rest here for the night, then we can look for Dougal; your Demiguise, Newt." She said clasping her hands in the front of her. The group nodded simultaneously as Jacob and Queenie took a seat on the couch and Tina took a seat in the chair by the fireplace "Now I will use a little bit of magic and create some rooms, luckily this cottage can do so." She said as she went down the only hallway. Newt stood by the window watching her leave then to the window for any sign of Luna appearing.

Ophelia in the back of the house went ahead and created two extra rooms in the house, she and her father's rooms were the only ones in the house and refuse to let anyone use his. She set up the rooms with two twin beds of great comfort; one for the boys and one for the girls, as much as she hated to have so many people in her home, she wanted to ensure they were comfortable. She went back up to the living area where the rest were relaxing "I have rooms set up for you, Tina and Queenie will be in one room, and you gentlemen; will be in another. If you are hungry there is plenty of food in the kitchen, you may help yourselves" she said softly before walking out the door.

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