Chapter Fourteen

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Long chapter ahead! I hope everyone is enjoying this story so far! I am! 

Accio-Accio is the Summoning Charm; it can be used to bring an object to the spell-caster.

Revelio-  The Revelio Charm (Revelio) was a charm used to reveal concealed objects, messages, people, invisible things, and passages or any other secretly written messages and hidden markings.

Revelio-  The Revelio Charm (Revelio) was a charm used to reveal concealed objects, messages, people, invisible things, and passages or any other secretly written messages and hidden markings

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Inside the Subway

The Obscurus screams and dives, bursting through the subway roof- for a split second, Newt, Ophelia, and Graves seem to be at the point of death as they leaned on pillars, cowering beneath this dark force. Ophelia knew it was now or never before she moved from the pillar she was leaning on "Credence no!" She used her strength and ran onto the tracks. Inches from Graves, the Obscurus freezes and very slowly, it rises back up, swirling more gently, staring at Ophelia, who looks straight back into its weird eyes.

"Don't do this – please... I want to help you" She said softly as she raised her hands up showing that she wouldn't hurt him. Newt leaning on a pillar weak "Keep talking, Opie... He'll listen... he's listening" he said softly as she walked towards the Obscurus a little "I know what you have suffered, me and Tina were there to help you. But you need to stop or this will consume you and I don't want that. Newt and I will protect you... I promise" her voice pleading. Inside the Obscurus, Credence reaches out to her, one of the few people that have ever helped him in uncomplicated kindness. He looks at her, desperate and afraid.

Unknowing to them, Graves is now on his feet staring at the two while Ophelia attempts to calm him down "This man- Is using you

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Unknowing to them, Graves is now on his feet staring at the two while Ophelia attempts to calm him down "This man- Is using you... he does not care for you" she said pointing at Graves as his face distorted to anger "Don't listen to her. I want you to be free. It's all right" he said softly playing the parent role again. Ophelia could see Credence struggling as he looked back at her through the Obscurus "Credence please... I promised you a long time ago I would be there for you and I won't fail you.." she said softly as he started to become calm, shrinking down as its dreadful face became more human, more like Credence's own.

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