Chapter Seventeen

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Hey yall! Sorry for a late chapter! been busy with work and my small business! So Bunty is not going to be in love with Newt in this... more as she is smitten with both Newt and Ophelia; smitten over the bond they have. but she is more smitten with Ophelia.  All telepathic talking will be in Italic Bold

Surgito was the of a that could be used to remove an enchantment. 

On Newt's street; lined with yellow brick Victorian houses, specks of rain began to fall as the two swiftly walk up the front steps as they paused just outside the front door seeing the sitting room light flash on and off

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On Newt's street; lined with yellow brick Victorian houses, specks of rain began to fall as the two swiftly walk up the front steps as they paused just outside the front door seeing the sitting room light flash on and off. Newt looks at Ophelia who nods to him as they both pull out their wands as Newt cautiously opens the front door.

Inside, a baby Niffler is swinging from the brass cord of the table lamp, causing the light to flicker on and off causing Ophelia to laugh

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Inside, a baby Niffler is swinging from the brass cord of the table lamp, causing the light to flicker on and off causing Ophelia to laugh. The laugh drew the Niffler's attention as it successfully stole the brass cord before scampering away, knocking all manner of objects to the floor "They don't change..." she said softly as she spotted a second Niffler baby, sitting on a set of weighing scales, pinned down by gold-colored weights it is clearly attempting to steal. 

Newt turns to Ophelia "Can you handle that one while I get the other?" he asked as he took off after the first baby Niffler chasing it into the dining room as it scampers across the table. Newt then lightly drops a saucepan on top of it, which continues moving across the table and catches it before it fell to the floor from the table.

Ophelia smiled as she tossed an apple to the opposite side of the scale causing the baby Niffler to go flying into the air and with grace and care she caught it tucking it in her pocket "Got it Newt!" she shouted as he smiled at her. Satisfied, Newt and Ophelia head towards the door to his basement but turned at the last moment to see a third escaped baby Niffler climbing onto a bottle of champagne on the counter. With a sense of inevitability, the champagne bottle pops and the baby Niffler zooms towards them on top of the cork soaring past them and down the basement stairs "Oh good heavens..." Ophelia spoke exasperatedly.

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