Chapter Twenty Five

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This is a short chapter as to the end of the Crimes of Grindelwald! kathy_lucas this is dedicated to you since you have been so dedicated from the start. It also may be some time before i can start the Secrets of Dumbledore because i can't find the screenplay just yet. I'm going based off the movie and the screenplay and sadly i don't have a way to watch it at the moment. So bare with me guys! 

 So bare with me guys! 

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Albus Dumbledore is walking across the viaduct from Hogwarts, toward Newt, Ophelia, Jacob, Theseus, Nagini, Kama, Travers, and his assorted Aurors who stand at the other end

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Albus Dumbledore is walking across the viaduct from Hogwarts, toward Newt, Ophelia, Jacob, Theseus, Nagini, Kama, Travers, and his assorted Aurors who stand at the other end. Ophelia and Newt walk ahead to meet with her father, but Travers moves to stop them as Theseus steps in front of him "I think it's best if he speaks to them alone" Travers moved to speak to protest, but Theseus gives him a fierce gaze; he was not one to mess with right now. Travers nodded curtly. Ophelia looked at Theseus who met her gaze and gives him a kind smile. She and Newt walk along toward Dumbledore as they meet in the middle of the viaduct.

She noticed her father was hollow-eyed, his usual calm was gone almost as if he was a man at the end of his tether "Is it true about Leta?" he asked. She sighed nodding "Yes, father" her voice was laced with pain and didn't go unnoticed "I'm so sorry"

She looked at him as she in a swift motion pulled out the vial. Dumbledore stares at it; tormented and amazed "Is this what I think it is, papa? A blood pact?" she asked. He looked at her a moment sadly "You swore not to fight each other didn't you?" she asked determinedly "How in the name of Merlin's beard did you manage to get this?" Teddy: the Niffler, pokes its head out of her jacket pocket, sad to see the pendant go "I have a thief with sticky fingers for anything shiny..." she said softly "Grindelwald doesn't seem to understand the nature of things he considers simple" Newt chimed in as Ophelia hands Teddy off to Newt who holds him close.

He smiled slightly; she looked at him with almost tears in her eyes, as if the next thing she asks would break her heart for the truth "I have another question.... Is Grindelwald my true father?" the question shocked him as he shook his head grabbing her shoulders "No... you are my child... my blood... the same blood that flows in my veins... flows in yours" he reassured his daughter. For a question to be asked; it begs to question more, what has Grindelwald done to her?

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