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"Good morning beautiful," James says as I open my eyes. I'm covered by the white silk sheet.

"Good morning James," I smile back. I kiss him softly and he kisses me back.

"Last night was incredible," he says as I pull away.

"Yes it was, but now you're going to forget everything about me except my name Sylvie," I smile and kiss his nose. I get up and slip the dress on. I grab my heels and look back at him. He's still in bed looking confused.

"Go back to sleep James. When you wake up all you'll remember is amazing sex and my name Sylvie," I say. He nods and lays down. He instantly falls back asleep. I roll my eyes and walk out of my room. I go downstairs and smile at the front desk attendant.

"Did you have a good night Miss. Sylvie?" She asks.

"Yes I did dear. Please have a fantastic week," I say as I hand her a hundred dollar bill.

"Thank you."

I walk out onto the sidewalk. I push my hair out of my face and hail a cab. I get in and have him take me to my actual hotel. We pull up and I pay him before walking in.

"Good morning Miss. Woods. We missed you last night," the man at the front desk says.

"Do I have any messages William?" I ask with a smile.

"Only one from Mr. Francis," he says and hands me a piece of paper.

"Thank you dear," I smile sweetly and walk over to the elevators. I take the elevator up to the penthouse. I walk into the penthouse and drop my heels by the door. I groan as I open the paper.

Y/N, call me. We need to discuss your mission. ~ Pierce

I roll my eyes and toss the paper in the trash. I will do what I want Pierce. I grab a glass from the cabinet and freeze when I hear something behind me.

"Pierce," I roll my eyes before turning around. He walks out from behind the corner with a smirk.

"Y/N. Looks like you had a fun night," he says.

"Jealous Pierce? Mind control for me isn't as easy as it is for Maximoff," I scoff. He rolls his eyes.

"Progress report?" He asks.

"These things take time Alexander. I'm working on it. I've already got the Winter Soldier. I'm going to work on the soldier next. The Gods will be easy. Stark is a sex addict so he'll be easy," I shrug as I fill my glass with water.

"Get on it Y/N. We're on a time crunch," he states.

"You're on a time crunch. My mission takes time. You want an in and I am getting it. These things take time," I stare him down. He glares at me.

"Why don't I give you a taste Alexander? You look like you could use the break," I smirk. He glares harder.

"You can't get into my mind bitch," he says bitterly.

"Your loss," I smirk, "Now get the fuck out. I need to sleep so I can get back to work."

"Watch yourself Y/N," he warns.

"Goodbye Alexander," I state as I walk towards my bedroom. I hear the front door slam and I flop down in bed. I yawn and bury my head into my pillow.

"Papa, please," I beg as he brings another needle closer to me. The IV bag is filled with a yellow liquid. I pull on my restraints. They don't give as tears fill my eyes.

"Stay still Y/N," he scolds.

"Please Papa, don't do this. It hurts me," I beg.

"You will be perfect when I finish these experiments. You should be happy dear. You'll finally be perfect."

I sit up gasping. I bring my hand to my arm and feel for the IV needle. I look down to see it's not there. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. I get up and walk into the bathroom to take a shower.

~ Tony ~
I look up from the table as James walks into the conference room. Steve frowns when he sees James's state. He sits down and looks at Nick with a short curt nod.

"Now that you're all here, please direct your eyes to the screen," Nick says. All of us look at the screen. A girl comes up on the screen. She's beautiful. She has bright eyes and a dazzling smile. Her body is perfect and her hair falls in beautiful curls around her face.

"Damn," I say. The guys mumble in agreement.

"This is Y/N Milano. She is extremely dangerous and needs to be apprehended immediately," Nick states.

"How dangerous?" Steve asks.

"She has the ability to control the mind and change her appearance. She has made some very important people kill themselves. She is, at this moment, The Avenger's Most Wanted target. We don't know who she works for or where she is, but she needs to be captured as soon as possible before she can cause more damage," Nick explains.

"How are we supposed to find a girl who can change her appearance?" Natasha asks.


~ Y/N ~
I button up the white blouse and smooth my black skirt. I look in the mirror. I watch as my hair and eyes change colors. My eyes become a beautiful chocolate brown and my hair falls into perfect dark brown curls around my face. I slip on a pair of heels and walk downstairs.

I walk over to the cafe that I've seen Steve Rogers at before and walk up to the counter. I smile at the barista.

"Can I get an Earl Grey Tea please?" I ask politely.

"Peggy," someone gasps behind me. I turn around to see Steve standing there.

"Pardon?" I ask sweetly.

"I apologize, I thought you were someone else," he blushes.

"Not a problem. What are you drinking? I'll buy," I offer sweetly.

"Coffee please," he smiles. I go to get my wallet and he sets the money on the counter.

"You didn't have to do that," I beam.

"My treat, I'm Steve," he introduces.

"Maggy," I blush.

Avenger's Most Wanted // POV Where stories live. Discover now