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Steve and I sit and talk for hours. He tells me all about his job as an Avenger and I talk about my life as an assistant in a company I made up. He keeps giving me soft sweet smiles. When we finally finish up, he walks me outside.

"It was really nice talking to you Maggy," Steve says sweetly. I smile and lean up and kiss his cheek.

"It was very nice talking to you Steve," I whisper. I get ready to walk away and he catches my hand. I look at him.

"My friends tell me that I don't take enough chances so," he pulls me into him and kisses me. My eyes flutter shut as I rest my hands on his chest and kiss him back. He slowly pulls away and removes his hands from my waist. My eyelashes flutter as I look up at him. He clears his throat nervously.

"How about I give you my number and if you want to take a chance you can call me?" I suggest. He smiles and I write my number in his notebook. I blush as I wave at him. He walks down the street away from me. I glance at the time. One of the Gods should be leaving the tower in 20 minutes.

I get out of site and pull my champagne mini dress from my bag. I look at my phone to see that Thor has already left with Tony and Bruce to the club. I groan and change in the alley into the dress. It clings to my body and is short and strapless. It's perfect. I close my eyes and feel my hair and eyes changing colors.

I dump the clothes I was wearing in the dumpster and slip on the high heels. My eyes are a bright green and my hair falls is light brown ringlets. I catch a cab to the club and walk in. Tony, Thor and Bruce are already here. I tuck my phone into my clutch.

I walk past them towards the bar. I hear deep breaths as I pass them. I glance back. My eyes trail Thor's body and I lick my lips before walking up to the bar. I tuck my hair behind my ear. I'm close enough I can hear them talking. I lean up on the bar a bit, letting the dress raise, exposing my long tan legs.

"Thor if you don't tap that I will," Tony says.

"Tap that?" Thor asks confused.

"He means go try to hook up with her," Bruce say with a soft laugh.

"Oh!" Thor booms. I glance back at Thor with a smile playing on my lips. Tony shoves him towards me. I hum softly as I look at the alcohol selection.

"Good evening beautiful lady," Thor says, attempting to lean on the bar. He misses and almost face plants. A giggle leaves my lips and I smile at him.

"Hello there handsome," I blush.

"I am Thor Odinson of Asgard," he introduces.

"I'm Ellie," I smile. I go to shake his hand, but he brings my hand up to his lips and kisses the top of my hand. A blush raises in my cheeks.

"It is the greatest pleasure to meet you Lady Ellie," he says, "May I buy you a drink?"

"You may," I state.

Thor orders us drinks and we spend time talking over drinks. Some hair falls into my face. Thor reaches up and pushes it behind my ear. I look into his eyes. He smiles and leans towards me. I close my eyes as he kisses me. I kiss him back. I pull away with a smile.

"Shall we dance?" He asks. I smile and nod. We walk out to the dance floor. He pulls me close with his hands on my waist. I lean up and kiss him as we dance to the music. I wrap my arms around his neck and gasp softly when he grabs my ass. He smirks against my lips.

"You're a goddess," Thor whispers lowly in my ear. A blush rises in my cheeks. That's a new one. He takes my hand and spins me. I giggle and look up at him.

"Let me show you something," he smirks. I nod and we walk outside. He holds his hand up and a hammer flies into his hand. I look at him confused. He pulls me close and begins spinning the hammer. We go flying up into the air. I quickly wrap my arms around him.

We land down on the roof of a skyscraper. I hold onto him. A smile crosses my face as I slowly let him go. I look over the city in awe.

"Wow," I whisper, "It's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you," Thor smirks. I blush and look at him.

"Where are we?" I ask curiously.

"Avenger Tower. Stark owns it, but allows us to stay when we're here," Thor explains.

"Oh, that's very nice of him," I smile. He nods.

"Would you like to take this party elsewhere?" He smirks. I nod and take his hand. We walk into the tower and he guides me to his room. We walk into the room together. Thor picks me up and spins me around as I giggle.

He sets me down on the desk and slowly undoes the straps on my heels. He lets them fall to the floor. He kisses up my calf. My legs spread as he gets higher. I lean my head back, letting out soft moans. He gets to my thighs and pauses. I pant softly and he slides off my underwear with a smirk. He draws his tongue up between my legs and I tangle my hands in his hair. I gasp in pleasure as his tongue dances against me.

"Thor," I moan. He slides me to the edge of the desk, making me lay back, and continues to please me. My back arches a bit and I lean my head back.

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