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I stare at everyone. Barton, Bruce, Wanda, and Loki have come into the room. Everyone is blocking my one way out.

"I can't trust them," I say to James.

"They want HYDRA gone too. You can trust us Y/N," James says.

"We don't want to hurt you," Thor says. I don't trust them. They obviously don't trust me either.

"Do I have to stay in the cell?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Of course you do. You think we'd just trust you?" Natasha asks harshly. I glare at her.

"No, you don't. However you have to stay in one of our rooms every night and you have to promise no mind control," Tony says. I nod.

My eyes flicker purple as I give Tony, Thor, and Steve back their memories. They look at me confused. I rub my palms on my shirt. James sighs and everyone relaxes a bit.

"You were Ellie," Thor says. I nod.

"And Caroline?" Tony asks. I nod.

"Maggy?" Steve asks. I let my hair and eyes change. Steve sighs. I change back into myself.

"Let's call it a night," Tony says, "We can discuss things in the morning. James since you two seem to trust each other, she can stay with you tonight."

James looks at me and I look at the ground. James slowly walks over to me and takes my hand. I look at him and we walk to his room. It looks like a basic guest room.

"I, uh, I don't have much, but you can use one of my shirts and the bathroom is through there if you want to shower," he says. I nod and walk into the bathroom.

I take a quick shower and wrap the towel around myself. I look at myself in the mirror. Am I really trusting these people? If they're smart they'll betray me the second they get a chance. A knock at the door pulls me away from my thoughts.

I open the door, still in just the towel. James's eyes trail my body. His eyes dance across my thighs which are exposed from the shortness of the towel. I can't help myself. My eyes trail his bare chest. My eyes briefly pause on his dog tags before drawing along his abs towards his v line. I lick my lips and bring my eyes back to meet his.

"Heres a shirt and some boxers," he says. I take it from him.

"Thanks," I smirk and drop the towel. His jaw clenches and he takes a deep breath. I pull the boxers on before sliding the shirt over my head.

He grabs my neck and pushes me against the wall. I smirk and lick my lips. I draw my eyes up to his with a seductive smirk. He grabs my jaw and his eyes look at my lips. My lips part softly.

"Go to bed before I do something I regret," James says lowly.

"Let me go and I will," I respond. One of his hands is pushing my hip against the wall and the other is still holding my jaw. He looks like he's debating with himself.

"Do you need me to force you to let me go? I promised not to use my control over you, but you look at war with yourself," I tease.

His lips crash against mine. I close my eyes as I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls me closer to him and rests his hands on my ass. He reaches lower and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around him as he carries me to bed. He lays me down and leans over me, still kissing me.

"As much as I'd like to play with you, James," I interrupt, panting softly, "I want your friends to trust me and sleeping with you will give off the wrong impression."

He looks at me and nods. He climbs off of me and sits on the bed. I sit up and sit cross legged next to him. I brush my thumb over my lips and take a deep breath.

"Don't get me wrong James, I want to, but I don't want them to believe I forced you to," I say softly. He nods and we lay down under the blankets. I bury my head into the pillow.

I moan as James pushes into me. My body is hot against his. Sweat beads across my skin. Our bodies melt perfectly together like they were meant to be against each other.

I gasp in pleasure as he slowly draws back out and goes deeper. I lean my head back, my eyes flutter shut. My back arches a bit. James grabs my neck and squeezes the sides.

"Look at me," he says lowly. I open my eyes and look into his blue eyes. I moan as he speeds up. He lets go of my neck and grabs my hip. I raise my hip with his thrusts.

"James," I moan loudly.

I gasp as I sit up. Sweat dances across my forehead. I pant softly, trying to control my emotions.

"Y/N? Is everything okay?" James asks. His voice is deep and filled with sleep.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry," I say, trying to catch my breath. He sits up and looks at me.

"Nightmare?" He asks.

"No, definitely not a nightmare," I laugh softly and run my fingers through my hair. He looks confused. Realization crosses his face and he smirks.

"You were dreaming about me weren't you?" He chuckles.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I state, laying back down on my side with my back facing him. I hear him shift behind me. His hand slides up my leg slowly and my eyes flutter shut. He leans down next to my ear.

"Tell me Doll. Who were you dreaming about?" He says lowly in my ear. I bite my lip, refusing to answer. He grips my hip and turns me onto my back. I gasp softly and look at him. He chuckles.

"Tell me," he says.

"You," I state with an eye roll.

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