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Nobody else comes in to bother me. I lay back on the cot and bury my head into the pillow on it. I'm exhausted. People are exhausting.

"You're going to get him to kill himself," Pierce says harshly. I frown as I look at the picture. The man looks very nice. It hurts to have to do this to someone who doesn't deserve it.

"Do you understand me Y/N?" He asks. I nod. Until my debt is paid, this is what I have to do.


I pull on my clothes and look back at the man. He smiles as he looks at me. I lean over the bed and kiss his neck. My eyes flood a dark purple.

"You're going to kill yourself in an hour. You're going to write a heartfelt suicide note and you're going to forget all about me," I whisper in his ear. He tenses and nods.

"Order room service first so they see you're still alive when I leave," I state. He nods and I leave the room.


"Good girl Y/N. Your abilities prove to be more and more incredible," Pierce says. I push my hair out of my face. The urge I get to kill this son of a bitch.


"Let go of me!" I scream at the men dragging me. They're wearing gloves, making it impossible to control them. They drag me into a room and strap me down to the chair. I kick one in the balls and he collapses. I struggle against the restraints.

"Winter Soldier. Subdue Y/N," Pierce says in a bored tone.

"Don't touch me!" I shout at him. He pushes the butt of his gun into my leg hard. I cry out in pain.

"Alright! Alright!" I shout as tears prick my eyes. He looks at Pierce who nods. The butt of the gun is removed from my leg.

Pierce puts on a pair of gloves and walks over to me. He grabs my face and jerks my head up towards him. I glare at him.

"You're useless to me now. You finally repaid your debt and now I have no use of you," he states harshly. Realization crosses my features. He lets go of me and begins to walk away.

"No, Pierce. I'll keep working for you! You can pay me! I won't betray you!" I shout, "Please!"

"Please!" I shout as I sit up gasping. I'm breathing heavily. I look over to see Maximoff looking at me. She drops her hand.

"You work for Pierce," she says.

"You," I glare at her, "Stay out of my head witch."

"So you work for HYDRA then," she laughs and shakes her head. I get up and grab her arm. Skin on skin contact. My eyes flare purple.

"You're going to forget what you saw in my head and you're going to go and erase the video of what you said," I say, using my powers. She nods and leaves the room. I take a deep breath. Stupid witch. I bury my head in my hands. I look up when the door opens again.

"I brought you something to eat," Steve says. I stare at him.

"Uh huh," I say before letting my eyes flicker purple, "What is it?"

"Toast, eggs, and fruit," he says, my ability making him honest.

"Nothing's in it?" I ask, narrowing my eyes.

"No," Steve smiles. My eyes fade back to normal. I take the plate from him and eat. I wipe my mouth with the napkin when I'm done eating.

"Thank you," I say softly. I was, honestly, starving. He smiles and takes the plate from me. He hands it to someone outside the room and sits down in the chair.

"We're starting early this morning with the questions I see," I say with a roll of my eyes.

"Why can't you tell me who you work for?" He asks.

"A magician never reveals her secrets," I smirk.

"Let's drop the attitude, why don't we? If you answer my questions you'll be able to leave," he states. I raise my eyebrows.

"Really?" I smirk, "What makes you think I want to leave? Maybe I'm safest right here."

"You're not safe if you leave the tower. Why?"

"I've made a lot of enemies Steve. People fear me. As they should," I state with a shrug.

"The people you work for, are they scared of you?"

"Everyone is scared of me."

"I'm not," Steve states.

"Which makes you an idiot Steve Rogers."

"I'm an idiot huh? How come?"

"You're not scared of me even though I have power over you," I smirk.

"You have no power over me," Steve says.

"I have power over you, even if you can't remember the reason why," I cross my arms. He looks confused.

"Did you ever find your mystery girl?" I ask, changing the subject.

"How do you know about that?" He asks. I tap my temple which confuses him more. I lean against the window my cot is against.

We both look over to see James come into the room. Steve looks at him confused. I lick my lips as I look him over. Still a fine specimen.

"Wanda can't remember what she saw from her head," James says bitterly. I smirk.

"Why don't they just look back on the camera?" Steve asks. I laugh softly and smirk at James.

"Wanda deleted the footage and we have no way to recover it," James explains.

"Oops," I smile. They both look at me.

"That will teach you to stay out of my head. Won't it?" I smirk.

"Steve, get out," James says. Steve hesitantly gets up and leaves the room.

"You don't scare me James," I state.

"Really? I remember you, Y/N. Just because I was brainwashed when I was the Winter Soldier doesn't mean I don't remember," he crosses his arms. I get up and glare at him.

"Oh yeah? So you remember how they tortured me then," I state harshly. He looks at the ground.

"If I remember correctly, I wasn't the only one who went through torture there," I say bitterly. He walks up to me and I look him in the eyes.

"You know HYDRA is still around right? We're not safe from them until they're wiped out for good," James says. I bite my tongue to keep from saying the wrong thing. Of course I know HYDRA is still around. That's who I work for.

"Cat got your tongue Y/N?" He smirks.

"You don't know me James. Make no mistake. I have all the cards. Not you, not Steve, or your other friends. I'm in control here," I state.

"We'll see about that," he says before leaving the room.

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