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I smile at Thor. It's early into the morning of the next day and we're only just finishing up. He runs his fingertips along my face and jaw. I glance at the time and sit up.

"Oh gosh, I have to get going," I frown. He sits up and frowns at me.

"You're sure you can't stay a bit longer beautiful?" He asks.

"No, I really need to go. I get up and quickly get dressed. He looks at me confused.

"You are going to forget what I look like apart from that I was beautiful and my name is Ellie and that we had great sex and that's it," I state. He nods.

I throw on my shoes and grab my clutch from the desk and walk out into the hallway. I bump into a man with long dark hair and a scowl on his face. He smirks when he sees me.

"Well, hello there princess," he chuckles. I instantly recognize him as the other God. He glances at the door behind me, realizing I just came from Thor's room.

"Long night there?" He chuckles.

"Not really," I tease, "It definitely could've lasted longer."

He takes a sharp breath in as he looks me over. He purses his lips as he thinks. He grabs my neck and pulls me close to him. I gasp and he chuckles.

"Why don't I show you what it really looks like to worship a body like that?" He whispers. I bite my lip.

"How about we meet up tonight? You can come to my hotel," I smirk. He plants a soft kiss to my lips. I blush and look at him.

"Deal," he chuckles. He lets me go and walks away. I smile and walk down the hallway towards the elevator. I take it down to the first floor. I look at my phone to see I have a text from Steve. I quickly type out a reply agreeing to meet him for lunch.

I hail a taxi and go up to my penthouse. I take a shower and make myself look like Maggy. I yawn softly and call to make a reservation at a hotel. I slip into a pair of slacks and a button down before walking outside. I hail a taxi to the restaurant that Steve asked me to meet him at.

I walk in and push some hair behind my ear as I look around. Steve waves at me from his table and gets up. I smile and walk over. He kisses me softly.

"It's so nice to see you again," he smiles.

"You as well Steve. This restaurant is beautiful," I say. He pulls out my chair for me. We sit down together and eat lunch. After lunch, we go for a walk through the park. Steve takes my hand and I smile at him.

We walk hand and hand through the park. We stop and look up at the sky. I point out a cloud that looks like a butterfly. He points out one that looks like his shield. I smile at him. He looks at my lips briefly.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks.

"Of course you can," I blush. He leans down and kisses me. It's slow, but it's passionate. It makes my heart flutter. I close my eyes and lean into him. He deepens the kiss and rests his hands on my lower back. I bring my arms around his neck.

After a minute, we pull away. He rests his forehead against mine and I hear him chuckle softly. I open my eyes and look at him. He has a smile on his lips and his eyes are still closed.

"Thank you for today Steve. I haven't had this much fun in a very long time," I say softly. He opens his eyes and pulls away from me.

"I very much enjoy your company Maggy. I haven't felt like this in a long time," he smiles.

"We should do this again soon," I state. He nods.

"I would like that. How about dinner tomorrow night? My treat," he says.

"How about dinner at my hotel? We can stay in and order food and watch movies," I smile.

"That sounds like fun," he admits. He walks me to my cab and we kiss goodbye. Steve is so sweet. It's a shame that I'm going to have to betray him. I get into the cab and ride to the hotel, I've rented for tonight. I walk in and check into the hotel room.

I walk into my room and strip out of the clothes I'm wearing and take a shower. I slip on the black silk robe and dry my hair. My hair falls into light brown curls and my eye color changes to bright green. I hear someone knock on the door to the hotel room. I walk over and open the door.

"Hello Princess," Thor's brother says.

"Hello," I smile. I open the door and he walks in.

"This is nice," he says with a smirk.

"Only the best for me," I smile. I close the door. He grabs my neck and pulls me towards him. I bite my lip as I look up at him.

"Are you ready to be worshipped Princess?" He asks with a smirk playing on his lips. Words fail me as I look into his eyes. He chuckles and leans down so his lips brush against mine as he speaks.

"I can't hear you, Princess," he says lowly. Shivers crawl up my spine as he says those words. My eyelashes flutter and I lick my lips.

"Yes," I whisper.

"Tell me what you want Princess," he chuckles.

"I want to be worshipped," I whisper. He smirks and kisses me. I kiss him back, my body melting into his. I close my eyes. He lets go of my neck and rests his hands on my waist. He kisses down my neck.

"So beautiful," he says lowly in my ear. My body shudders in excitement.

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