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Only one left is Tony Stark. The easiest target of the ones I've had to get control over. I look at myself in the mirror. My phone dings. I look down at it. Party at Stark Tower. Don't mind if I do. I smirk and set my phone to the side.

~ Tony ~
I work on this program for Rogers. He met a girl and they hooked up. I didn't think the old man had it in him. He can only remember her name though. I run her name through the system and come up with nothing. I grunt in annoyance and start the programming to find her. If he can remember the details about her it'll find her.

I glance at the time and leave the thumb drive on my desk. I go to get ready for the party. The Avengers we're against a party since we're looking out for Y/N, but what kind of woman like that can resist a party?

"JARVIS, keep an eye out for Y/N Milano tonight. Alert me immediately if she makes an appearance," I say.

"Of course sir," JARVIS responds. I get dressed in a suit and make my way to the party. Natasha is behind the bar talking to Bruce. Steve and James are leaned against the bar talking as they watch over the crowd. Thor and Loki are upstairs, watching over the crowd with intense looks. Clint is on the couch with a goofy smile on his face.

"Romanoff a whiskey neat please," I smile at her. She makes my drink and slides it over to me.

"Can I get a glass of whiskey please?" A woman asks, walking up next to me. I look at her. She has dark curls and dark blue eyes. She's wearing a long black dress that slits up the side of her leg to expose her flawless leg. She glances at me and smiles.

~ Y/N ~
I can feel Tony's eyes trail my body. Natasha Romanoff hands me my drink and I smile at her. I take a sip and give Tony a quick smile before making my way into the crowd.

I feel a hand catch my arm and I turn to see James staring me down. I give him a soft smile and feel my eyes quickly flicker purple. He lets go of my arm and tilts his head.

"Sorry ma'am. Please enjoy the party," he says with an apologetic smile. He walks back over to Steve. Now that I have control this is going to be too easy.

I look up at Thor and Loki. My eyes quickly flicker purple and they begin talking, not looking at the crowd anymore. Thor brings out a flask and smirks at his brother. Two distracted.

I finish my drink and set the empty glass on a table. I make my way over where I can hear Tony talking to Natasha.

"You really think this is a good idea Tony? She can look like anyone. How are we supposed to know she's even here?" She asks him.

"A woman like that can't resist a good party. JARVIS is keeping me posted on if he sees her on the cameras. He'll alert me immediately. Now, I am going to go and talk to her because I need to get lucky. Even the old man has been laid more recently than I have," Tony says to Natasha. She rolls her eyes.

Tony walks over with two glasses of whiskey. He holds one out to me with a smirk. I smile and take it from him. I take a sip and he smiles.

"I'm Tony. Tony Stark," he says.

"I know who you are Tony. Everybody knows who you are," I smirk, "I'm Caroline Evans."

"Well Caroline. If you feel so obliged you can come with me to the bar and I will make sure your glass stays full all night," he smirks.

"I'd like that Mr. Stark," I laugh. I wrap my arm around his and we walk over to the bar. We drink and talk for a bit.

I look up at Tony Stark through my long lashes. He gives me a smirk as I give him an innocent smile. That's right Stark, fall right into my trap.

"Hey Tony, whe-" Rogers interrupts. I quickly turn my head, trying not to let him see my face.

"Rogers, I'm kind of in the middle of something," Tony says. There's no way he remembers me.

"You..." Steve says. I bring my glass to my lips and change the color of my eyes and my nose structure before looking back at Steve.

"I thought you were... never mind, my apologies. Tony where is that thing I asked you about?" Steve asks him. I let out a breath.

"Oh the program to find your mystery girl? It's on my desk," Tony smiles at him. Steve walks away and I process what he said.

Mystery girl? Mystery girl! I need to hurry this up. I set my glass down after making sure I look like the girl Tony has been seeing all night. I lean over to Tony and whisper in his ear.

"I am drunk and feel like making a few mistakes tonight. What about you?" I whisper before placing a soft kiss to his neck.

"I think that sounds like a perfect idea. Let's go," Tony smiles. We walk out of the room where the party is being held and to his room. I fake giggle like a drunk girl and we kiss as the door to his room shuts. Right into my trap.

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